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Number of people in this department: Occupational Safety & Environ 79
Maximum Salary:$ 198,000.00
Average Salary:$ 72,431.03
Minimum Salary:$ 34,669.78

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Alexander, Terrance G Hlth Sfty & Envrnmntl Top Exec Occupational Safety & Environ $ 198,000.00 $ 198,000.00
Benedict, Stephen Hlth Sfty & Envrnmntl Top Exec Occupational Safety & Environ $ 169,375.08 $ 169,375.08
Driscoll, Mark L Radiation Safety Director Occupational Safety & Environ $ 134,152.45 $ 134,152.45
Steinman, Ian Associate Director Occupational Safety & Environ $ 132,550.68 $ 132,550.68
Cullen, Timothy R Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 125,691.14 $ 125,691.14
Koczman, Pamela M Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 118,904.69 $ 118,904.69
Berki, Andrew K Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 118,738.10 $ 118,738.10
Burchfield, Andrew Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 117,694.51 $ 117,694.51
Sheen, Danielle Renae Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 115,342.52 $ 115,342.52
Dressler, Michael L Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr Occupational Safety & Environ $ 109,485.10 $ 109,485.10
Lillemoen, Jon P Safety Senior Supervisor Occupational Safety & Environ $ 96,900.00 $ 96,900.00
Miklos, Joseph Antho Safety Senior Supervisor Occupational Safety & Environ $ 96,817.17 $ 96,817.17
Palmieri, Dennis A Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 92,877.68 $ 92,877.68
Fischer, Karl Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 91,800.00 $ 91,800.00
O'Rielly, Stephen Michael Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 91,111.69 $ 91,111.69
Berry, Stuart Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 90,012.93 $ 90,012.93
Keeler, Kenneth E Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 89,422.73 $ 89,422.73
Stowe, Lisa Gay Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 88,971.10 $ 88,971.10
Trombley, Keith R Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 87,810.33 $ 87,810.33
Goecke, Roger B Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 87,453.56 $ 87,453.56
Follo, Janet M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 87,273.06 $ 87,273.06
Kolb, Eric P Network Administrator Lead Occupational Safety & Environ $ 83,285.77 $ 83,285.77
Taylor, Larry P Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 80,852.73 $ 16,170.55
Lee, Duane T Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 79,591.00 $ 79,591.00
Sarkisian, Rhonda Marie Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 78,848.24 $ 78,848.24
Campbell, Brandi Lynn Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 78,126.14 $ 70,313.53
Evanski, Nancy M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 77,467.64 $ 77,467.64
Nord, Mark C Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 76,179.36 $ 76,179.36
Hovi, Toby Eric Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 75,583.63 $ 75,583.63
Cooney, Sarah Platt Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety & Environ $ 75,558.60 $ 75,558.60
Page: 1 of 3

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