List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: STOCKKEEPER 191
Maximum Salary:$ 57,865.60
Average Salary:$ 46,163.91
Minimum Salary:$ 42,764.80

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Fraser, Deborah STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Freeman, Bobby A STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Frost, Jacqueline STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Frye, Curtis C STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Garcia, Gabriel STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Gardner, Knequay STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Gissendaner, Stephen STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Gleason, Domonique Nutasha STOCKKEEPER I Patient Food Service AH $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Gorlitz, James STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Gray, Alexander STOCKKEEPER I MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Griffith Jr, Luther STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hailu, Sintayehu STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hall, Charlie STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hall, Dominique STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hall, Jalen STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hall, Shelby STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hang, Bee STOCKKEEPER I Patient Food Service AH $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Harris, Robert STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Harris, Seneka James STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hesterly, Christopher STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Hill, Michael L STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Holman, Thomas STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Holmes, Amy STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Jackson, Rachel Melissa STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Kaba, Lonceny STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Kedir, Bilal STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Keita, Lancine STOCKKEEPER I MM Linen Distrib. Operations $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Keyes, Randy III STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Lake-Peer, Cynthia Marie STOCKKEEPER I MI Dining - Administration $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Lamus, Elizabeth STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 44,075.20 $ 0.00
Page: 4 of 7

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