List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec 12
Maximum Salary:$ 111,009.94
Average Salary:$ 87,486.33
Minimum Salary:$ 70,050.30

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Lawler, Mary Beth Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 111,009.94 $ 0.00
Hutchins, Cindy Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Radiation Oncology - AA $ 106,567.41 $ 0.00
Egbert, Pamela Lee Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 104,409.21 $ 0.00
Healy, Lana S Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 97,036.71 $ 0.00
Flucht, Diane Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 96,060.32 $ 0.00
Boyd, Teresa Lynn Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 95,703.90 $ 0.00
McCroskey, Knoeta Renee Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 80,340.00 $ 0.00
Derrick, Brook Lena Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 74,258.21 $ 0.00
Earle, Brian Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 72,000.00 $ 0.00
Reid, Keisha Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec DENT Dental Business Office $ 71,400.00 $ 0.00
Fox, Janae Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 71,000.00 $ 0.00
Hardin, Michelle Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Spec MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 70,050.30 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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