List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr 7
Maximum Salary:$ 98,603.58
Average Salary:$ 81,524.85
Minimum Salary:$ 65,949.03

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pappas, Gena R Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 98,603.58 $ 0.00
Lawler, Mary Beth Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 97,895.09 $ 0.00
Egbert, Pamela Lee Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 83,439.54 $ 0.00
Sharp, Mary Beth Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 82,945.19 $ 0.00
Paice, Karen S Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 75,492.12 $ 0.00
McDonald, Merrit E Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 66,349.37 $ 0.00
Healy, Lana S Rev Cycle Accts Rec/Reim Mgr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 65,949.03 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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