List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Professor 2043
Maximum Salary:$ 637,403.00
Average Salary:$ 183,811.40
Minimum Salary:$ 48,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 37 of 69
Name Title Department FTR GF
Checkoway, Barry N PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 172,657.11 $ 172,657.11
Bielajew, Alex F PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng - Radiological Sci $ 172,602.00 $ 172,602.00
Kira, Gervais Mackillo PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 172,467.00 $ 172,467.00
Chen, Zhan PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 172,210.00 $ 172,210.00
Guzdial, Mark Joseph PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 172,000.00 $ 172,000.00
Sylvester, Dennis Michael PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 172,000.00 $ 94,598.28
Kaviany, Massoud PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 171,956.00 $ 94,145.91
Van Oyen, Mark Peter PROFESSOR Industrial - Operations Engin $ 171,853.00 $ 164,664.39
Canary, Richard D PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 171,682.00 $ 171,682.00
Wellik, Deneen Marie PROFESSOR Int Med-Genetic Medicine $ 171,600.00 $ 18,875.66
Owen-Smith, Jason D PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 171,450.00 $ 85,725.00
Guo, Lingjie J PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 171,350.00 $ 145,647.50
Liemohn, Michael Warren PROFESSOR COE Climate - Space $ 171,000.00 $ 119,700.00
Toyama, Kentaro PROFESSOR School of Information $ 170,905.00 $ 85,452.50
Robins, Diane M PROFESSOR Human Genetics Department $ 170,794.31 $ 166,524.45
Hirth, Richard A PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 170,787.00 $ 90,445.38
Pozzi, Sara A PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng - Radiological Sci $ 170,600.00 $ 85,300.00
Caston, Victor PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 170,544.00 $ 170,544.00
Brader, Ted PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 170,478.00 $ 170,478.00
Ackerman, Mark Steven PROFESSOR School of Information $ 170,420.00 $ 85,210.00
Ackerman, Mark Steven Professor EECS - CSE Division $ 170,420.00 $ 85,210.00
Lee, Hei-Wai PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg - Finance $ 170,263.19 $ 170,263.19
Pecoraro, Vincent L PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 170,247.00 $ 170,247.00
Kiesler, Kenneth M PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre-Dance $ 170,208.64 $ 170,208.64
Wehe, David K PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng - Radiological Sci $ 170,205.00 $ 153,184.50
Nassauer, Joan Louise PROFESSOR Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 170,144.49 $ 170,144.49
Kanicki, Jerzy PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 170,141.00 $ 170,141.00
Ellison, Nicole PROFESSOR School of Information $ 170,115.00 $ 170,115.00
Smith, Jacqueline Elizabeth PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 170,057.74 $ 85,028.87
Grosh, Karl PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 170,000.00 $ 80,671.80
Page: 37 of 69

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