List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Professor 1627
Maximum Salary:$ 360,955.00
Average Salary:$ 145,296.48
Minimum Salary:$ 20,000.00

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 39 of 73
Name Title Department FTR GF
Brown, Daniel G PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 115,000.00 $ 86,250.00
Cole, Juan R PROFESSOR LSA History $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Kollman, Kenneth W PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Rabkin, Eric S PROFESSOR LSA English Language - Lit. $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Teorey, Toby J PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A CoE Undergraduate Education $ 114,875.00 $ 0.00
Trobe, Jonathan D PROFESSOR Ophthalmology Department $ 114,708.00 $ 0.00
Kitayama, Shinobu PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 114,694.00 $ 114,694.00
Endelman, Todd M PROFESSOR LSA History $ 114,658.00 $ 0.00
Smith, Sherril A PROFESSOR School of Art and Design $ 114,657.70 $ 114,657.70
Kota, Sridhar PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 114,510.00 $ 114,510.00
Rabe, Barry George PROFESSOR G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 114,500.00 $ 85,875.75
Rabe, Barry George PROFESSOR Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 114,491.00 $ 28,622.75
Leonard, Joanne PROFESSOR School of Art and Design $ 114,449.37 $ 114,449.37
Redman, Richard W PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 114,400.00 $ 57,200.00
Poster, John B PROFESSOR Dbn School of Education $ 114,366.00 $ 114,366.00
Meyhofer, Edgar PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 114,280.00 $ 91,424.00
Hitchcock, Peter F Professor Cell and Developmental Biology $ 114,233.33 $ 20,562.00
Conlon, Joseph G PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 114,220.00 $ 114,220.00
Durrance, Joan C PROFESSOR School of Information $ 114,033.00 $ 114,033.00
Morantz-Sanchez, Regina PROFESSOR LSA History $ 114,000.00 $ 114,000.00
Moss, Thylias PROFESSOR LSA English Language - Lit. $ 114,000.00 $ 114,000.00
Raithel, Georg A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 114,000.00 $ 68,400.00
Akerlof, Carl W PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 113,900.00 $ 113,900.00
Essene, Eric J PROFESSOR LSA Geological Sciences $ 113,900.00 $ 113,900.00
Calvet, Nuria Pilar PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 113,870.00 $ 113,870.00
O'Shea, John M PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 113,746.00 $ 56,873.00
Blass, Andreas R PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 113,687.00 $ 113,687.00
Dowling, David R PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 113,650.00 $ 62,507.73
Peng, Huei PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 113,600.00 $ 56,800.00
Page: 39 of 73

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