List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Phleboto 138
Maximum Salary:$ 42,374.83
Average Salary:$ 30,316.36
Minimum Salary:$ 24,297.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Vacek, Wendy Ann Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 42,374.83 $ 0.00
Schuholz, Cynthia L Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 41,864.88 $ 0.00
Grueber, Rebecca J Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 41,586.10 $ 0.00
Rush, Annette T Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 41,504.55 $ 0.00
Leigh, Joyce Ellen Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 41,483.17 $ 0.00
Gardner, Kathryn E Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 40,385.71 $ 0.00
Perry, Renee M Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 39,288.38 $ 0.00
Squires, Thelma Jean Phlebotomist UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy $ 38,934.90 $ 0.00
Banfield, Wendy Lee Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 38,703.34 $ 0.00
Kennedy, Jodi K Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 38,592.73 $ 0.00
Barnier, Claudette I Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 38,481.29 $ 0.00
Smith, Christine Ann Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 37,481.90 $ 0.00
Parks, Laura J Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 36,970.33 $ 0.00
Mollenkopf, Denise D Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 36,861.20 $ 0.00
Schlueter, Karen Lorraine Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 36,727.67 $ 0.00
Robinson, Nicole L Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 36,177.96 $ 0.00
Rost, Peggy Sue Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 36,156.53 $ 0.00
Wilson, Deneen Phlebotomist UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy $ 36,096.66 $ 0.00
Countryman, Jennifer J Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 36,028.63 $ 0.00
Kent, Jennifer L Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 35,986.00 $ 0.00
Moses, Paulina C Phlebotomist UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy $ 35,950.21 $ 0.00
Williams, Audrey M Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 35,219.26 $ 0.00
Groom, Karianne M Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 34,822.18 $ 0.00
Holzapfel, Carol A Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 34,084.42 $ 0.00
Halt, James Jerome Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 34,047.71 $ 0.00
Byrd, Janice V Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,971.99 $ 0.00
Taylor, Christy LeAnn Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 33,885.74 $ 0.00
Sidhu, Amol Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,676.14 $ 0.00
Gramer, Melissa Gilda Phlebotomist UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 33,607.16 $ 0.00
Daniel, Archer F Phlebotomist UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 33,520.33 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 5

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