List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Patient Accounts Supr Hlth 21
Maximum Salary:$ 67,862.00
Average Salary:$ 47,993.82
Minimum Salary:$ 33,828.00

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Burke, Marguerite Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Radiology Department $ 67,862.00 $ 0.00
Rittenhouse, Melody Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Radiology Department $ 57,756.00 $ 0.00
Jerichow, Dawn Marie Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH Med Equip Operating $ 57,415.91 $ 0.00
Fetters, Macey J Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Internal Medicine Department $ 57,261.50 $ 0.00
White, Darla Joan Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Faculty Group Practice $ 56,959.00 $ 0.00
Young, Sharon K Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH Med Equip Operating $ 52,802.90 $ 0.00
Hall, Wanda Elaine Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Psychiatry Admin-Central $ 50,809.00 $ 0.00
Hunt, Derek A Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Internal Medicine Department $ 50,589.74 $ 0.00
Fulgham, Lana S Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Dermatology Department $ 50,150.00 $ 0.00
Paice, Karen S Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 49,605.00 $ 0.00
Hicks, Nancy A Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH Wheelchair Seating Service $ 49,450.00 $ 0.00
McDonald, Merrit E Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Emergency Medicine $ 47,753.00 $ 0.00
Daugherty, Douglas S Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Radiology Department $ 46,349.94 $ 0.00
McCormick, Pamela J Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Clinic Billing Ofc - Dentistry $ 43,056.39 $ 0.00
Kaikkonen, Michelle A Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 42,580.00 $ 0.00
Solarski, Traci L Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH Home Med Admin $ 41,200.00 $ 0.00
Deja, Janet E Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 41,200.00 $ 0.00
Sims, Cynthia D Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept $ 40,377.77 $ 0.00
Davis, Patricia Ann Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH Livonia Surgery Center $ 36,050.00 $ 0.00
Lowry, Lisa Anne Patient Accounts Supr Hlth UMH MI Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 34,814.00 $ 0.00
Michalik, Barbara Anne Patient Accounts Supr Hlth Neurology Department $ 33,828.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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