List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: NURSE ANESTHETIST 202
Maximum Salary:$ 248,187.15
Average Salary:$ 247,874.24
Minimum Salary:$ 239,104.98

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Abrahamson, Matthew NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Cashen, Mark NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Caruso, Jennifer NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Carter, Robert NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Carnahan, Donna J NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Caribardi, Tonia S P NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Bush, Christina Marie NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Buie, Paige NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Buchan, Ericka NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Brogger, Heidi Marie NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Brieger, Adam C NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Brenen, Michelle NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Bowers, Kristi NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Bossier, Brittany NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Blazoff, Stephen NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Blasingim, Melanie NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Bills, Nicole NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Berry, Denise Lynn NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Beaudoin, Jason NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Barnaby, Alisha NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Banks, Megan NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Ball, Anielle NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Ball, Andrea Frances NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Bagnell-Leonardo, Jaime NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Baetens, Daniela NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Ashley, Matthew NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Allen, Paul NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Alcala, Rudolph NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Alcala, Devin NURSE ANESTHETIST MM Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Abbott, Nicole NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 248,187.15 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 7

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