List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Multimedia Designer 50
Maximum Salary:$ 91,538.00
Average Salary:$ 62,704.09
Minimum Salary:$ 37,493.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Holbrook, Latisha Lea Multimedia Designer Law School $ 91,538.00 $ 91,538.00
Rogers, Tyler Multimedia Designer Athletics $ 80,000.00 $ 0.00
Shennan, Stacey Multimedia Designer ROSS SCH MKTG & COM $ 77,047.86 $ 77,047.86
Kopald, Kathryn Marie Multimedia Designer Michigan Creative $ 76,584.15 $ 0.00
Knudsen, Jeffrey Multimedia Designer Michigan Creative $ 74,592.60 $ 0.00
Soave, Martin C Multimedia Designer Michigan Creative $ 74,468.15 $ 0.00
Hehlo, Gretchen Multimedia Designer ROSS SCH MKTG & COM $ 73,649.28 $ 73,649.28
Lancaster, Mira K Multimedia Designer CoE Office of Advancement $ 73,024.00 $ 73,024.00
Nelson, Erin Multimedia Designer LSA Dean: Advancement $ 73,004.00 $ 73,004.00
Alvey, Stephen Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 72,848.00 $ 72,848.00
Wagner, Brian Multimedia Designer Athletics $ 72,828.00 $ 0.00
Vazquez, Alicia Multimedia Designer LSA Dean: Advancement $ 72,450.00 $ 72,450.00
Sehenuk, Rebecca Multimedia Designer LSA Dean: Advancement $ 71,400.00 $ 71,400.00
Murrel, David Malcolm Multimedia Designer UMHS Dept of Communication $ 69,999.54 $ 0.00
Milgrom, Randy Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 69,208.00 $ 0.00
Reitz, James F Multimedia Designer Michigan Creative $ 68,614.42 $ 0.00
Greene, Carl D Multimedia Designer Stamps School of Art & Design $ 67,255.87 $ 67,255.87
Krick, Katharine T Multimedia Designer Michigan Creative $ 67,080.07 $ 0.00
O'Brien, Victoria Multimedia Designer Alumni Association $ 65,205.00 $ 0.00
Rieger, Kenneth Multimedia Designer DENT Dean's Office&Fac Affairs $ 64,349.23 $ 64,349.23
Braun, Michelle R Multimedia Designer University HR Communications $ 64,297.00 $ 32,148.50
Lee, Alexander Multimedia Designer Law School $ 63,985.00 $ 63,985.00
DuChateau, Julie Multimedia Designer ROSS SCH MKTG & COM $ 62,176.50 $ 62,176.50
Weil, Nicole Ceriani-Hopper Multimedia Designer MHC Administration $ 61,546.00 $ 0.00
Hyde, Scott Multimedia Designer CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 61,445.00 $ 30,722.50
Whitesall, Amy Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 60,970.00 $ 60,970.00
Gonzalez, Victoria Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 60,970.00 $ 60,970.00
Dougherty, Evan Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 60,389.00 $ 60,389.00
Neelands, Kirsten Multimedia Designer Library B&P - Mktg/Commun $ 59,920.46 $ 39,547.50
Vernon, Laura Multimedia Designer AUX MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS $ 59,740.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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