List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech 13
Maximum Salary:$ 53,954.94
Average Salary:$ 33,542.22
Minimum Salary:$ 27,400.10

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hunsche, David F Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 53,954.94 $ 26,977.47
Kennedy, Mark Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 39,490.36 $ 19,745.18
Murphy, Shannon Anne Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Astronomy $ 35,350.12 $ 35,350.12
Brahce, Mark Z Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 34,324.94 $ 34,324.94
Krueger, Ann Marie Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 32,771.70 $ 19,663.02
Kellner, Guenther Johannes Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Chemistry $ 32,410.04 $ 32,410.04
Riley, Jack E Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Chemistry $ 31,850.26 $ 31,850.26
Mayrberger, Sheri L Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Flint Biology $ 31,826.08 $ 15,913.04
Wilhelm, Monique R Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Flint Chemistry $ 31,270.20 $ 18,762.12
Hunt, Deanne C Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 30,000.10 $ 30,000.10
Alden, Emily Ann Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 27,999.92 $ 28,000.00
Matta, Kristen Nadine Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Zoology Museum $ 27,400.10 $ 0.00
Norris, Erin Elizabeth Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Zoology Museum $ 27,400.10 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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