List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LIBRARIAN 61
Maximum Salary:$ 250,105.47
Average Salary:$ 100,561.15
Minimum Salary:$ 71,749.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Alvarez, Barbara LIBRARIAN Library Research-Intern'l Stud $ 92,658.09 $ 92,658.09
Song, Jean Chung LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 92,645.46 $ 92,645.46
Ziph, Sally Weston LIBRARIAN ROSS SCH Kresge Library Servic $ 92,455.00 $ 92,455.00
Ransom, Charles G LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 92,446.69 $ 92,446.69
Conte, Marisa Lenore LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 92,304.07 $ 92,304.07
Alvarez, Pablo LIBRARIAN Library Collect - Spec Collec $ 91,749.67 $ 91,749.67
Ottaviani, James S LIBRARIAN MI Publishing-DBlue&RData $ 91,744.56 $ 73,395.65
Price, Rebecca Mary LIBRARIAN Library Research-Arts &Humanit $ 91,454.76 $ 91,454.76
Carlson, Jacob R LIBRARIAN MI Publishing-DBlue&RData $ 91,447.50 $ 91,447.50
Brandenburg, Marci Danielle LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 90,924.75 $ 66,375.07
Nichols, Darlene P LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 90,343.16 $ 90,343.16
Carter, David S LIBRARIAN Library Learn&Teach-Connected $ 89,855.35 $ 89,855.35
Herrada, Julie A LIBRARIAN Library Collect - Spec Collec $ 89,650.24 $ 89,650.24
Nason Davis, Jennifer L LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 88,936.07 $ 88,936.07
Anderson, Sigrid Michelle LIBRARIAN Library Research-Arts &Humanit $ 87,170.92 $ 58,121.21
Look, Helen LIBRARIAN Library Collect - General $ 86,379.38 $ 86,379.38
Utter, Timothy P LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 85,551.64 $ 85,551.64
Anderson, Patricia F LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 84,372.24 $ 84,372.24
Longstreth, Karl E LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 83,670.11 $ 83,670.11
Rana, Gurpreet Kaur LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 82,322.50 $ 69,974.13
Rosenzweig, Merle LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 81,465.46 $ 81,465.46
Taylor, Elizabeth J LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 79,112.00 $ 79,112.00
Hallman, Philip A LIBRARIAN Library Research-Arts &Humanit $ 78,876.93 $ 27,916.93
Morse, Catherine Lynne LIBRARIAN Library Research-Social Scienc $ 78,106.60 $ 78,106.60
Townsend, Whitney Ann LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 77,535.56 $ 77,535.56
Spencer, Deirdre Diane LIBRARIAN Library Research-Arts &Humanit $ 77,496.69 $ 77,496.69
Mac Eachern, Mark Paul LIBRARIAN Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 77,123.15 $ 77,123.15
Brooks, Carla T LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 76,001.00 $ 76,001.00
Daniel Walkuski, Julia Christine LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 74,783.80 $ 74,783.80
Seewald, Joel B LIBRARIAN Dbn Mardigian Library $ 74,359.00 $ 74,359.00
Page: 2 of 3

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