List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Lecturer I 1492
Maximum Salary:$ 387,572.17
Average Salary:$ 77,008.13
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 50
Name Title Department FTR GF
Klungle, Roger G LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 99,827.94 $ 99,827.94
Keyes, Patrick LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 99,640.74 $ 99,640.74
Moore, Douglas Bradley LEO Lecturer II CFE Academic Programs $ 99,626.53 $ 0.00
Wingfield, Eric Henry LEO Lecturer II CFE Academic Programs $ 99,626.53 $ 0.00
Vlisides, Nicholas A LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 99,603.29 $ 99,603.29
Putty, Michael William LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Eng-Electric & Comp $ 99,514.79 $ 99,514.79
Wrobel, Melissa Renee LEO Lecturer IV Biomedical Engineering $ 99,257.90 $ 99,257.90
Thum, Maureen D LEO Lecturer IV Flint English $ 99,248.92 $ 99,248.92
Rodriguez, Maria I LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 99,242.04 $ 99,242.04
Oakley, Amy Elizabeth LEO Lecturer IV MM Molec & Integratv Physiolog $ 99,182.00 $ 99,182.00
Sunstrum, Nicole LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 99,120.00 $ 23,747.52
Statt, Anne-Louise LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 99,049.87 $ 99,049.87
Majeske, Katherine Joyce LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 99,049.87 $ 99,049.87
Wood, Laury J LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 98,829.00 $ 98,829.00
Frye, David L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Anthropology $ 98,745.15 $ 74,058.86
Kurdziel, Josephine P LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 98,725.31 $ 98,725.31
Schueller, Sheila LEO Lecturer III Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 98,663.16 $ 98,663.16
Donahue, Kelli Jean LEO Lecturer IV School of Kinesiology $ 98,476.76 $ 98,476.76
Josias, Anthea Patricia LEO Lecturer III School of Information $ 98,474.49 $ 98,474.49
Yeo, Derrick LEO Lecturer III CoE Robotics $ 98,315.00 $ 98,315.00
Montgomery, Nicholas James LEO Lecturer III LSA Economics $ 98,087.50 $ 98,087.50
Zamulin, Oleg LEO Lecturer III LSA Economics $ 98,087.50 $ 98,087.50
Seidl, Frank Andrew LEO Lecturer II CFE Academic Programs $ 98,032.50 $ 28,184.32
Kelly, David James LEO Lecturer III Civil & Environmental Engr $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Hwang, Irene Stephanie LEO Lecturer IV Architecture $ 97,860.85 $ 97,860.85
Fishstrom, Jack Aaron LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communication $ 97,219.88 $ 97,219.88
McGinn, Terence James LEO Lecturer II LSA Sociology $ 96,911.59 $ 96,911.59
McNulty, Elaine M LEO Lecturer IV LSA Linguistics $ 96,741.87 $ 96,741.87
Basu, Avik Swapnasish LEO Lecturer III Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 96,607.68 $ 96,607.68
Vantine, Aimee M LEO Lecturer III School of Social Work $ 96,545.00 $ 96,545.00
Page: 8 of 50

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