List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Is 71
Maximum Salary:$ 168,161.00
Average Salary:$ 101,145.89
Minimum Salary:$ 36,070.84

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Subramanian, Nimi IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra and Sys Ops $ 106,726.54 $ 0.00
Underwood, Jack Allen IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra and Sys Ops $ 106,090.00 $ 0.00
Aprill, Robert R IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr and Sup Adm $ 105,000.00 $ 0.00
Hampton, Renee A IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Sys Mgmt Adm $ 104,846.73 $ 0.00
Richardson, John A IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr and Sup Adm $ 104,459.10 $ 0.00
Popa, Agatina P IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Sys Mgmt Adm $ 104,257.08 $ 0.00
Lazarou, Josephine Bonasso IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 104,061.31 $ 0.00
Rinke, Richard R IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 103,992.42 $ 0.00
Root, Randall W IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Sys Mgmt Adm $ 103,465.22 $ 0.00
Shee, Amitava IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Intel Admin $ 103,000.00 $ 0.00
Amman, Karen IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH UM-CareLink $ 103,000.00 $ 0.00
Brennan, Dawn Marie IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 103,000.00 $ 0.00
Zain, Max Z IS Operations Director CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 102,424.00 $ 51,212.00
Kwapis, Brian M IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 101,919.53 $ 0.00
Jablonski, Vikki L IS Operations Director Dev Information Tech Services $ 101,058.00 $ 0.00
Talarek, John M IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Sys Mgmt Adm $ 101,003.73 $ 0.00
Greenberg, Jonathan Eric IS Ops Mgr w/ OS Programming MSA MSIS $ 100,785.50 $ 0.00
Scott, Daniel W IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 100,349.12 $ 0.00
Belcher, Jeanne IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr and Sup Adm $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Cottrell, Stephen D IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr and Sup Adm $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Gerutta, Theodore M IS Administration and Pln Mgr Office of the Plant Director $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Timson, Eric Mark IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 99,066.84 $ 0.00
Meyer, Joseph David IS Administration and Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 98,132.41 $ 0.00
Soluk, Kirk M IS Security Manager Info Tech Security Srvcs $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Barnes, Laurel A IS Training Manager MAIS HRMS CPU $ 95,155.00 $ 95,155.00
Sarrica, Stephen M IS Ops Mgr w/o OS Programming ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 93,572.82 $ 93,572.82
Connors, Lisbeth A IS Administration and Pln Mgr Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 87,041.00 $ 87,041.00
Paxton, Reid W IS Ops Mgr w/o OS Programming Instructional Support Services $ 84,650.00 $ 84,650.00
Hepner Jr, Myron Lee IS Training Manager MAIS Shared Services $ 83,232.00 $ 83,232.00
Marshall, Stephen J IS Ops Mgr w/o OS Programming UMH Pathol Lab Data Unit $ 82,880.00 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 3

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