List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Internal Auditor Seni 12
Maximum Salary:$ 98,646.84
Average Salary:$ 88,000.60
Minimum Salary:$ 81,005.66

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Nachtrab, Hilaire Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 98,646.84 $ 98,646.84
Solovyeva, Asel Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 95,977.21 $ 95,977.21
Kain, Jeannine L Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 92,515.54 $ 92,515.54
Kimmel, Jacqueline Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 92,458.52 $ 92,458.52
Meads, Sundra L Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 89,115.23 $ 89,115.23
Salazar, Kelly Ann Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 85,399.88 $ 85,399.88
MacDougall, Barry Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 85,260.00 $ 85,260.00
Carpenter, Wayne Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 84,369.84 $ 84,369.84
Young, Gregory Bradshaw Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 84,310.65 $ 84,310.65
Cami, Monika Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 83,553.36 $ 83,553.36
Friedly, Suzanna Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 83,394.47 $ 83,394.47
Foley, Tina L Internal Auditor Senior Audit Services $ 81,005.66 $ 81,005.66
Page: 1 of 1

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