2008-09 University of Michigan Salaries | Page 1 of 4 |
Name |
Title |
Department |
GF |
Dressler, Monika Renee |
Instructional Sup Svcs Sr Mgr |
LSA Dean: Facilities |
$ 103,800.00 |
$ 103,800.00 |
Grayden, Sharon K |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Dental Informatics SOD |
$ 96,073.26 |
$ 57,643.96 |
Treib, Philip Alan |
Instructional Learning Lead |
CoE-IT Admin/Operating |
$ 90,000.00 |
$ 90,000.00 |
Friedrichs, Kathleen M |
Instructional Learning Lead |
CoE Ctr for Professional Devel |
$ 87,001.00 |
$ 26,100.30 |
Young, Patrick J |
Instructional Learning Inter |
School of Art and Design |
$ 86,083.06 |
$ 86,083.06 |
Larose, Peter G |
Instructional Learning Inter |
LSA Mathematics |
$ 83,146.00 |
$ 41,573.00 |
Burdick, Stephan W |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Learning Management Service |
$ 82,431.93 |
$ 0.00 |
de Wet, Jeffrey Roux |
Instructional Designer |
Computational Medicine and Bio |
$ 77,250.00 |
$ 19,312.50 |
Pearson, Diane G |
Instructional Designer |
$ 72,536.00 |
$ 72,536.00 |
Meissner, Michele S |
Instructional Learning Inter |
Learning Management Service |
$ 71,573.62 |
$ 0.00 |
LoVasco, Laura M |
Flint Physical Therapy |
$ 70,459.03 |
$ 42,275.42 |
Locey, Mary E |
Instructional Designer |
$ 70,135.00 |
$ 70,135.00 |
Ruediger, Thomas |
Flint Physical Therapy |
$ 70,000.00 |
$ 70,000.00 |
Duchateau II, Donald C |
Instructional Learning Senior |
ROSS SCH Computing Services |
$ 70,000.00 |
$ 70,000.00 |
Wright, Jeffry R |
Instructional Learning Senior |
ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs |
$ 69,003.63 |
$ 34,501.82 |
Sober, Ronald A |
Instructional Designer |
HR Professional and Org Develop |
$ 68,783.40 |
$ 68,783.40 |
Yorke, Amy M |
Flint Physical Therapy |
$ 68,000.00 |
$ 68,000.00 |
Johnston, John P |
Instructional Learning Senior |
College of Pharmacy |
$ 67,300.00 |
$ 67,300.00 |
Hanson, Brian D |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Continuing Legal Education Ins |
$ 67,126.89 |
$ 0.00 |
Petainen, Kai J |
Instructional Learning Inter |
ROSS SCH Computing Services |
$ 67,000.00 |
$ 67,000.00 |
Manspeaker, William C |
Instructional Learning Lead |
A. Alfred Taubman CA and UP Adm |
$ 66,834.00 |
$ 66,834.00 |
Deromedi, Lori A |
Instructional Designer |
MAIS Fin/Phys CPU |
$ 66,061.00 |
$ 66,061.00 |
Velasco, Paul Christian |
Instructional Learning Senior |
ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program |
$ 65,848.00 |
$ 65,848.00 |
Wimsatt, Leslie Adams |
Instructional Designer |
Department of Family Medicine |
$ 65,775.80 |
$ 39,465.48 |
Perpich, Diana L |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Digital Media Commons |
$ 65,630.04 |
$ 65,630.04 |
Franklin, Ralph W |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Instructional Support Services |
$ 65,295.00 |
$ 65,295.00 |
Doonan-Reed, Kelly |
Instructional Designer |
MAIS Research Admin Systems |
$ 65,044.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Barker, Gregory Lee |
Instructional Learning Senior |
ROSS SCH Computing Services |
$ 65,000.00 |
$ 65,000.00 |
Jalet, Jennifer S |
Instructional Designer |
MAIS Research Admin Systems |
$ 64,360.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Mackey, Jeanne A |
Instructional Designer |
MAIS Business Intelligence |
$ 63,180.00 |
$ 37,908.00 |
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