List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Instruc 152
Maximum Salary:$ 165,000.00
Average Salary:$ 74,092.27
Minimum Salary:$ 42,801.11

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hill Jr, Alvin Instructional Learning Senior School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 70,359.00 $ 70,359.00
Gingerich-Jones, Cecil Instructional Learning Senior LSA FilmTelevisionand Media $ 70,275.00 $ 70,274.20
Sintjago, Alfonso Instructional Learning Senior LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 70,055.00 $ 70,055.00
Cole, Crystal Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 69,680.00 $ 0.00
Riviere, Jessica Instructional Designer Dbn Office of the Provost $ 69,639.50 $ 69,639.50
Porter, Michael Instructional Learning Senior DENT Informatics $ 68,454.75 $ 68,454.75
Kovacevich, Joanna Elliott Instructional Learning Inter SPHDO-Instructional Services $ 67,819.00 $ 67,819.00
Aguinaga, Jacob Michael Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 67,704.00 $ 50,778.00
Skelton, Jason Instructional Learning Inter Flint Online & Digital Edu $ 67,694.18 $ 67,694.18
Barbour, Andre' Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 67,275.00 $ 67,275.00
Lima, Matthew Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 67,275.00 $ 67,275.00
Vanderhoof, Micah Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 67,275.00 $ 67,275.00
Goraj, Joseph David Instructional Learning Senior Dbn CECS Engineering Online $ 67,201.00 $ 67,201.00
Knokh, Irene J Instructional Learning Senior MM Nsg OH Prof Dev and Ed $ 67,026.18 $ 0.00
Le, Ruth Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 66,757.50 $ 66,757.50
Wochna, Kacey Instructional Learning Inter LSA Opportunity Hub $ 66,308.00 $ 66,308.00
Baldwin, Samuel Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 66,240.00 $ 66,240.00
Bailey, Elizabeth Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 65,000.00 $ 0.00
Lorr, Duke Instructional Learning Inter School of Social Work $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
McDowell, Sarah Instructional Learning Senior Dbn Academic Success $ 64,842.26 $ 64,842.26
Oblander, Eric Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 64,170.00 $ 64,170.00
Schultz, Katherine Instructional Designer MM Fast Forward Med Innovation $ 63,654.00 $ 0.00
Williams, Elizabeth McKee Instructional Designer Assist School of Social Work $ 63,528.26 $ 63,528.26
Matthews, Angela Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 63,507.60 $ 0.00
Wright, Ivory Instructional Learning Inter ROSS SCH Digital Education $ 63,500.74 $ 63,500.74
Sandusky, Brandon Instructional Learning Inter Nexus $ 63,446.00 $ 53,929.10
Donovan, Kaiyanne Instructional Learning Inter Library Health Sciences - STEM $ 62,650.00 $ 62,650.00
Ranville, Matthew R Instructional Designer ITS IA Info Assurance Security $ 62,645.00 $ 62,645.00
Stark, Russell W Instructional Learning Inter SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 62,480.02 $ 0.00
McCurry, Melissa Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 62,100.00 $ 62,100.00
Page: 4 of 6

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