List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: HR Administration Inter Supr 7
Maximum Salary:$ 86,578.00
Average Salary:$ 70,184.17
Minimum Salary:$ 64,850.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Forrest, Sandra HR Administration Inter Supr LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 86,578.00 $ 86,578.00
Dewolf, Tenia L HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 70,820.35 $ 49,574.25
Davenport, Larry HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 70,304.00 $ 70,304.00
Adams, Jacqueline M HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 69,036.81 $ 0.00
Fuelling, Heather HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 64,850.00 $ 64,850.00
Killian, Jennifer HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 64,850.00 $ 64,850.00
Nesmith, Ashley HR Administration Inter Supr Shared Services Center - HR $ 64,850.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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