List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Executive 158
Maximum Salary:$ 163,090.00
Average Salary:$ 54,034.68
Minimum Salary:$ 36,200.06

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Schuon, Nancy O Executive Secretary ROSS SCH Dean-#39;s Office $ 49,819.64 $ 49,819.64
Lippens, Gloria D Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth MI Nanotechnology Institute $ 49,639.46 $ 0.00
Hatto, Shirley M Executive Secretary Hlth Behavior and Hlth Ed Dept $ 49,383.88 $ 19,753.76
Diana, Barbara A Executive Secretary Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 49,272.08 $ 24,636.14
Chambers, Donna F Executive Secretary ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 49,088.00 $ 0.00
Schaefer, Karen M Executive Secretary Epidemiology Department $ 49,065.90 $ 49,065.90
Slane, Beverly J Executive Secretary Environmental Health Sciences $ 49,045.10 $ 49,045.10
Akans, Karen Eileen Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Ofc of Exec VP for Med Affairs $ 48,757.02 $ 0.00
Vlahovljak, Bisera Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Neurology Department $ 48,748.18 $ 0.00
Moore, Karen L Executive Secretary Law School $ 48,592.70 $ 48,592.70
Alexander, Beulah A Executive Secretary Flint Sch of Ed and Human Svcs $ 48,546.80 $ 48,546.68
Carr, Kathleen M Executive Secretary School of Nursing $ 48,499.88 $ 48,499.88
Arnold, Natasha H Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Ofc of Exec VP for Med Affairs $ 48,343.10 $ 0.00
Freiman, Mary L Executive Secretary LSA American Culture $ 47,769.02 $ 47,769.02
Durham, Marie Suzanne Executive Secretary Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 47,751.08 $ 47,751.08
Silverthorn, Renee Cheryl Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Dean-#39;s Office $ 47,700.00 $ 47,700.12
Priebe, Terrie M Executive Secretary SOE-Educational Studies $ 47,519.94 $ 35,640.02
Coleman, Joe Anne Executive Secretary LSA Economics $ 47,499.92 $ 47,499.92
Wanty, Holly Marie Executive Secretary LSA Physics $ 47,499.92 $ 47,499.92
Phaneuf, Eva Lynn Executive Secretary College of Pharmacy $ 47,385.52 $ 26,062.27
Wilkin, Stacy L Executive Secretary LSA Geological Sciences $ 47,038.94 $ 47,038.94
Humpert, Elizabeth B Executive Secretary LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 46,925.06 $ 37,540.10
White, Phyllis M Executive Secretary Library Administration $ 46,659.08 $ 46,659.08
Bopp, M Lexie Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth Health Svc General Operations $ 46,592.00 $ 23,296.00
Klark, Jean S Executive Secretary Dean-#39;s Office-Dentistry $ 46,500.22 $ 46,500.22
Brown, Laura Jean Executive Secretary Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 46,358.00 $ 46,358.00
Meyers Wilkens, Patricia Executive Secretary Knight-Wallace Fellows $ 46,349.94 $ 0.00
Johnson, Heather M Executive Secretary LSA II:International Institute $ 46,341.88 $ 46,341.88
Lloyd, Traci Lynn Executive Secretary College of Pharmacy $ 46,300.02 $ 46,300.02
Iglesias, Miriam A Executive Secretary Orthodontics/Pediatric Dentist $ 46,280.00 $ 46,280.00
Page: 4 of 6

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