List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld 18
Maximum Salary:$ 91,056.55
Average Salary:$ 81,719.57
Minimum Salary:$ 73,715.71

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Palmieri, Dennis A Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 91,056.55 $ 91,056.55
O'Rielly, Stephen Michael Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 88,716.35 $ 88,716.35
Berry, Stuart Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 88,247.97 $ 88,247.97
Stowe, Lisa Gay Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 87,226.57 $ 87,226.57
Keeler, Kenneth E Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 86,902.56 $ 86,902.56
Trombley, Keith R Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 86,088.56 $ 86,088.56
Follo, Janet M Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 85,561.82 $ 85,561.82
Goecke, Roger B Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 85,487.35 $ 85,487.35
Lillemoen, Jon P Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 84,886.44 $ 84,886.44
Taylor, Larry P Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 79,657.86 $ 15,931.57
Lee, Duane T Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 78,030.39 $ 78,030.39
Evanski, Nancy M Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 76,700.63 $ 76,700.63
Rice, Heather Nicole Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 76,594.25 $ 76,594.25
Campbell, Brandi Lynn Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 76,594.25 $ 68,934.82
Sarkisian, Rhonda Marie Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 76,551.69 $ 76,551.69
Nord, Mark C Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 74,466.63 $ 74,466.63
Hovi, Toby Eric Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 74,466.63 $ 74,466.63
Cooney, Sarah Platt Envrnmtl Hlth - Safety Spec Ld Occupational Safety - Environ $ 73,715.71 $ 73,715.71
Page: 1 of 1

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