List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Envrnmntl Hlth 52
Maximum Salary:$ 167,994.93
Average Salary:$ 71,971.27
Minimum Salary:$ 50,379.68

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Maue, Daniel Envrnmntl Hlth/Safety Spec Sr EH&S $ 67,263.99 $ 67,263.99
Kahle, Christopher Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter MM Safety Management Services $ 66,400.00 $ 0.00
Mendoza, Alejandro Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter MM Safety Management Services $ 66,241.94 $ 0.00
Repka, Matthew Envrnmntl Hlth/Safety Spec Sr EH&S $ 66,191.55 $ 66,191.55
Mihas, Epamenondas Envrnmntl Hlth/Safety Spec Sr EH&S $ 65,600.00 $ 0.00
Wilkinson, Dana Envrnmntl Hlth/Safety Spec Sr EH&S $ 65,280.00 $ 65,280.00
Gallup, Steven Hill Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 64,500.00 $ 64,500.00
Gallup, Julie L Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 63,551.51 $ 63,551.51
Robertson, Eric Envrnmntl Hlth/Safety Spec Sr EH&S $ 63,000.00 $ 63,000.00
O'Jack, Elizabeth M Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 62,536.15 $ 62,536.15
Cotner, Duane Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 61,915.00 $ 61,915.00
Roberts, Kyle Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 61,452.68 $ 61,452.68
Heemstra, Ronald Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 60,265.32 $ 45,198.99
Vaughn, Kacey Dale Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter LSA Chemistry $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Beer, Matthew Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 59,856.07 $ 59,856.07
Wernet, Joseph Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 59,450.00 $ 59,450.00
Evers, Jared Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 59,305.00 $ 59,305.00
Dion, Franchesca Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 58,500.00 $ 58,500.00
Nelson, Erin Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 57,165.00 $ 57,165.00
Jordan, Deanna Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter EH&S $ 56,160.00 $ 0.00
Pesek, Anson Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Assoc LSA Chemistry $ 50,475.22 $ 50,475.06
Conley, Christopher Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Assoc MM Safety Management Services $ 50,379.68 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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