List of Departments

Number of people in this department: EH&S 91
Maximum Salary:$ 196,691.00
Average Salary:$ 83,415.01
Minimum Salary:$ 38,147.08

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sheen, Danielle Renae Hlth Sfty & Envrnmntl Top Exec EH&S $ 196,691.00 $ 196,691.00
Marcinkiewicz, Frank W Associate Director EH&S - Code Inspection $ 157,209.38 $ 94,325.63
Rutter, Pamela Margaret Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr EH&S $ 145,181.74 $ 145,181.74
Fischer, Karl Radiation Safety Director EH&S $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00
Dressler, Michael L Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr EH&S $ 134,723.86 $ 134,723.86
Follo, Janet M Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr EH&S $ 130,687.10 $ 130,687.10
Lillemoen, Jon P Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr EH&S $ 129,240.51 $ 129,240.51
O'Rielly, Stephen Michael Environment Hlth & Safety Mgr EH&S $ 129,110.81 $ 129,110.81
Palmieri, Dennis A Safety Senior Supervisor EH&S $ 120,650.00 $ 120,650.00
Ferrell, Kevin Project Senior Manager EH&S $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Stowe, Lisa Gay Safety Senior Supervisor EH&S $ 111,868.50 $ 111,868.50
Goecke, Roger B Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 108,996.74 $ 108,996.74
Nord, Mark C Safety Senior Supervisor EH&S $ 108,867.69 $ 108,867.69
Trombley, Keith R Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 106,835.80 $ 106,835.80
Frauhammer, Frank H Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 102,905.48 $ 0.00
Cooney, Sarah Platt Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 102,377.67 $ 102,377.67
Wasalaski, Rick M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 100,002.06 $ 100,002.06
Howe, Mark Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 97,777.27 $ 0.00
Kettmann, Matthew Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 97,732.42 $ 97,732.42
Quinn, Justin Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 96,900.00 $ 96,900.00
Campbell, Brandi Lynn Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 96,646.80 $ 96,646.80
Lee, Duane T Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 96,409.51 $ 96,409.51
Taylor, Larry P Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 95,424.95 $ 19,084.99
Kosco, John Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 94,559.08 $ 94,559.08
Swift, Ken John Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 94,300.06 $ 0.00
Diuble, Bryan Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 93,826.97 $ 0.00
Crumb, Claude Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 93,677.17 $ 0.00
Evanski, Nancy M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 93,460.97 $ 93,460.97
Branch, Jeffrey Code Specialist EH&S - Code Inspection $ 93,231.14 $ 0.00
Sabon, Philip Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 93,017.56 $ 93,017.56
Page: 1 of 4

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