List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Database Analys 51
Maximum Salary:$ 104,188.45
Average Salary:$ 72,656.32
Minimum Salary:$ 51,329.98

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Tengelitsch, Elizabeth Najet Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Psychiatry Depression Center $ 67,581.45 $ 0.00
Slusser, Kristina Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Biostatistics Department $ 67,204.00 $ 0.00
Versha, Kritika Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Psychiatry Depression Center $ 66,977.34 $ 0.00
Vanderwill, James Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Mich Publishing-Technology $ 66,466.62 $ 66,466.62
Rupani, Amit Database Analyst/Prgm Inter CW Michigan Medical Gntcs Lbs $ 66,390.31 $ 0.00
O'Dell, Diana Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Urology $ 65,245.35 $ 0.00
de Majo, Ricardo F Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 64,553.00 $ 30,339.91
Ashe, Doctor M Database Analyst Associate Psych HlthSvc Outcome Research $ 62,558.21 $ 0.00
Bush, Lauren Brooke Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Pediatrics-Cardiology $ 61,660.90 $ 0.00
Kilyanek, Brooke Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Biostatistics Department $ 61,650.00 $ 0.00
Cardillo, Garry Robert Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Department of Radiology $ 61,213.00 $ 0.00
Frederick, Jeanette L Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 59,900.00 $ 59,900.00
Postma, Chris Johannes Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Biostatistics Department $ 59,265.00 $ 0.00
Bee, Kristina Lynn Database Analyst Senior UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 58,207.00 $ 58,207.00
Liffick, Christie Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Biostatistics Department $ 56,000.00 $ 22,400.00
Frazier, Daijon Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Biostatistics Department $ 54,200.00 $ 0.00
Bushman, Gregory Database Analyst/Prgm Inter School of Social Work $ 53,560.00 $ 0.00
Coates, Ivano S Database Analyst Associate CE Phys Relations - Outreach $ 52,014.67 $ 0.00
Moore, Andrew Database Analyst/Prgm Inter School of Social Work $ 51,957.58 $ 2,597.88
Reichle, Garrett Database Analyst/Prgm Assoc Pediatrics-Cardiology $ 51,329.98 $ 0.00
Khadr, Lara Database Analyst/Prgm Assoc Pediatrics-Cardiology $ 51,329.98 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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