List of Departments

Number of people in this department: UMOR Business Engagement Cntr 11
Maximum Salary:$ 133,843.00
Average Salary:$ 91,537.18
Minimum Salary:$ 41,511.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Patel, Umesh C Corporate Relations Director UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 133,843.00 $ 0.00
Fick, Christopher Corp/Foundation Rel Assoc Dir UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 130,364.00 $ 65,182.00
Dority, Nell Susannah Corporate Relations Director UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 129,420.00 $ 129,420.00
Miller, Nick Bruce Corporate Relations Director UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 113,235.00 $ 0.00
Klinke, Amy Corporate Relations Director UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 113,227.00 $ 106,659.83
Waterhouse, Sheila Anne Communications Director UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 88,863.00 $ 88,863.00
Kiely, Olga Corp/Foundation Rel Assoc Dir UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 87,659.00 $ 87,659.00
Vladu, Christine Marie Administrative Specialist UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 63,071.00 $ 31,535.50
Bee, Kristina Lynn Database Analyst Senior UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 58,207.00 $ 58,207.00
Wiley, Tameka Administrative Assistant Inter UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 47,509.00 $ 47,509.00
Postema, Teresa Administrative Assistant Inter UMOR Business Engagement Cntr $ 41,511.00 $ 29,057.70
Page: 1 of 1

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