List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Comm 158
Maximum Salary:$ 215,316.00
Average Salary:$ 76,509.25
Minimum Salary:$ 35,324.09

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dimcheff, Danielle Palincsar Communications Specialist SOE-Comm/Dev/Outrch $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Meyers, Jaime Communications Specialist School of Nursing $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Dermont, Eilisha T Communications Specialist Ctr for the Education of Women $ 69,822.00 $ 20,946.50
Sard, Glen Communications Manager Medical School Information Ser $ 69,046.36 $ 0.00
Miller, Elizabeth Communications Specialist Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 68,959.00 $ 51,719.25
Day, Juanita Marie Communications Specialist MHC Administration $ 68,533.00 $ 0.00
Abraham, Stephanie Communications Manager Depression Center $ 68,490.50 $ 41,094.30
Kronenberg, Steven V Communications Specialist Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 67,999.09 $ 0.00
Allen-West, Catherine Communications Specialist CPS- Ctr for Political Studies $ 67,500.00 $ 0.00
Deitz, Kim M Communications Lieutenant DPSS Communications $ 67,320.00 $ 0.00
Bergquist, Aimee Saling Communications Specialist Assoc. V-P Facilities &Ops $ 67,000.00 $ 53,600.00
Mudali, Anuja V Communications Specialist Inpt Capacity Optimization $ 66,928.78 $ 0.00
Chronicle, Melissa Catherine Communications Manager Dean's Office $ 66,625.00 $ 0.00
Sallabank, Gregory John Communications Specialist Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 66,112.50 $ 66,112.50
Spanier, Erin Communications Specialist G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 65,894.00 $ 65,894.00
Ovchinnikova, Anna Alekseyvna Communications Specialist ICPSR - Membership Archives $ 65,890.00 $ 0.00
Needham, Robert Communications Specialist ROSS SCH MKTG & COM $ 65,563.62 $ 65,563.62
Spratt, David Communications Specialist Neurology Department $ 65,423.47 $ 0.00
Guenther, Heather Communications Manager CHRT $ 65,200.25 $ 0.00
Grodzinski, Alison Rachel Communications Specialist Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 65,001.00 $ 32,500.50
Pappas, Lisa A Communications Specialist Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 64,376.00 $ 19,312.80
Malicke, Kathleen Morgan Communications Manager Dbn External Relations $ 63,264.95 $ 63,264.95
Demas, Kristy M Communications Specialist Office of the President $ 63,038.88 $ 63,038.88
Smith-Ruff, Andrea Communications Specialist MICHR - Operations $ 62,977.45 $ 0.00
Joshi, Sonia Communications Specialist SNRE CILER $ 62,572.92 $ 0.00
Behm, Betsy Communications Specialist Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 61,500.00 $ 46,125.00
Fischer, Traci Communications Specialist UMH Frankel CVC Administration $ 61,423.80 $ 0.00
Kuhnlein, Gail B Communications Specialist LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 60,799.86 $ 53,199.88
Spranger, Denise Communications Specialist Communications $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Eveslage, Andrea Communications Specialist Flint University Relations $ 59,734.01 $ 59,734.01
Page: 3 of 6

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