List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Collections/Natural Areas Spec 9
Maximum Salary:$ 43,143.10
Average Salary:$ 39,232.82
Minimum Salary:$ 34,649.94

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
O'Brien, Adrienne M Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 43,143.10 $ 40,985.95
O'Dell, Thomas R Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 43,143.10 $ 43,143.10
Palmer, Michael D Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 40,389.96 $ 40,389.96
Crancer, Connie Jo Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 40,257.10 $ 40,257.10
Walters, Jeffrey N Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 38,839.06 $ 38,839.06
Dluzen, Judy A Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 38,753.00 $ 31,002.40
Plakke, Jeffrey J Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 37,843.00 $ 37,843.00
Girard, Paul J Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 36,077.08 $ 36,077.08
Scott, Matthew R Collections/Natural Areas Spec Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 34,649.94 $ 34,649.94
Page: 1 of 1

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