List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Clinical Res 224
Maximum Salary:$ 101,898.93
Average Salary:$ 53,477.04
Minimum Salary:$ 30,000.00

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Goewey, Jennifer G Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Metabolism Endo - Diabetes $ 101,898.93 $ 0.00
Jones, Dawn M Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Pediatrics-Hematology/Oncology $ 87,550.00 $ 0.00
Jensen, Andrea Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Int Med-Cardiology $ 85,000.00 $ 0.00
Frederiksen, Shirley Marie Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 81,373.17 $ 0.00
Konkle, Julie Ann Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Int Med-Rheumatology $ 80,649.00 $ 0.00
Greenfield, Mary Lou Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 77,491.02 $ 0.00
Scott, Katherine A Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 77,250.00 $ 0.00
Leone, Virginia Ann Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 75,353.77 $ 0.00
Tannas, Cheryl L Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Med Ed/Ofc of Ed Resources-Res $ 74,260.94 $ 0.00
Welliver, Bonnie J Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Int Med-Nephrology $ 73,896.96 $ 0.00
Ruzicka, Deborah Leah Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Neurology Department $ 73,558.48 $ 0.00
Schafenacker, Ann M Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth School of Nursing $ 72,556.09 $ 0.00
Majors, Cheryl B Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 70,555.00 $ 0.00
Reisdorph, Bill Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Burnside, Jeanne K Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Rice, Kathy Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Biostatistics Department $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Blackburn, Susan A Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Vascular Surgery Section $ 69,996.16 $ 0.00
Jessup, Marsha Gallagher Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 69,010.00 $ 6,901.00
Hill-Callahan, Margaret Mary Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth General Surgery Section $ 68,803.24 $ 0.00
Nwankwo, Robin B Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Med Ed/Ofc of Ed Resources-Res $ 67,914.00 $ 0.00
McLean, Darlene Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Int Med-Nephrology $ 67,779.15 $ 0.00
DiFranco, Donna E Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Biostatistics Department $ 67,240.00 $ 0.00
Shields, Theresa A Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Anesthesiology Department $ 66,950.00 $ 0.00
Bloem, Cathie J Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Cardiac Surgery Section $ 66,836.70 $ 0.00
Elliot, Shelagh J Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth CTO- Regulatory $ 66,676.02 $ 0.00
Kavanagh, Janet S Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Psych HlthSvc Outcome Research $ 66,238.34 $ 0.00
Massey, Lynn S Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Emergency Medicine Admin $ 66,144.00 $ 0.00
Orians, Monica A Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth CTO- Administration $ 65,822.00 $ 0.00
Briggs, Hedieh Haghighatgou Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Psychiatry-ASAP $ 65,720.00 $ 0.00
Briesmiester, Kerri A Clinical Res Project Mgr Hlth Radiology Department $ 65,033.17 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 8

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