List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Assoc Professor 1006
Maximum Salary:$ 310,000.00
Average Salary:$ 145,360.18
Minimum Salary:$ 75,743.40

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 25 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Najita, Susan Y ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 117,385.00 $ 58,692.50
Najita, Susan Y ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 117,385.00 $ 58,692.50
Levy-Hussen, Aida ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 117,306.00 $ 117,306.00
Yergeau, Melanie R ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 117,302.00 $ 52,785.90
Yergeau, Melanie R Assoc Professor LSA Digital Studies Institute $ 117,302.00 $ 5,865.10
Haug, Brendan ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Classical Studies $ 117,299.00 $ 58,649.50
Carr, Kevin Gray ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 117,291.00 $ 117,291.00
Bridwell-Rabb, Jennifer Diane ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 117,282.00 $ 117,282.00
Dude Duhaime, Melissa B ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 117,259.00 $ 117,259.00
Brang, David Joseph ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 117,114.00 $ 67,340.55
Zahodne, Laura Beth ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 117,114.00 $ 52,045.46
Wang, Wenjing ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 117,072.00 $ 58,536.00
Navvab, Mojtaba ASSOC PROFESSOR Architecture $ 117,038.00 $ 117,038.00
Mendoza, Victor Roman ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language & Lit. $ 116,941.00 $ 29,235.25
Mendoza, Victor Roman ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 116,941.00 $ 87,705.75
Smith, DeLean Amarita ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 116,798.00 $ 116,798.00
Wilkins, Craig Lawrence ASSOC PROFESSOR Architecture $ 116,645.00 $ 116,645.00
Dua, Jatin ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 116,530.00 $ 116,530.00
Yang, Qiong ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Biophysics $ 116,383.00 $ 116,383.00
Bacha, Anys ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Computer & Info $ 116,341.00 $ 116,341.00
Gultekin, Kayhan ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 116,209.00 $ 116,209.00
Zhu, Linda Na ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mechanical Engineering $ 116,142.92 $ 116,142.92
Ward, Stephen M ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 116,114.00 $ 58,057.00
Ward, Stephen M Assoc Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 116,114.00 $ 58,057.00
Trandafirescu, Anca ASSOC PROFESSOR Architecture $ 116,027.00 $ 116,027.00
Brown, Michael Geoffrey ASSOC PROFESSOR MARSAL EDUC - CSHPE $ 116,000.00 $ 116,000.00
Clowney, Eleanor Josephine ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 115,939.00 $ 115,939.00
Kim, Jong-Jin ASSOC PROFESSOR Architecture $ 115,907.00 $ 115,907.00
Kort, Sierra Victoria ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 115,824.00 $ 115,824.00
Brennan, Jonathan R ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 115,778.00 $ 112,003.64
Page: 25 of 34

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