List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrativ 790
Maximum Salary:$ 196,638.00
Average Salary:$ 54,511.92
Minimum Salary:$ 25,874.94

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 27
Name Title Department FTR GF
Rizzo, Sharon K Administrative Specialist University Housing $ 48,995.04 $ 0.00
Thompson, Ruth H Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 48,934.34 $ 0.00
Peterson, Linda C Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Undergraduate Education $ 48,893.00 $ 48,893.00
Moats, Rhonda L Administrative Assistant Inter Population Studies Center $ 48,880.00 $ 0.00
Seychel, Susan M Administrative Specialist Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev $ 48,819.00 $ 48,819.00
McIlroy, Karen Ann Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 48,679.80 $ 38,944.36
Cartwright, Patricia Anne Administrative Assistant Sr SOE-Educational Studies $ 48,659.78 $ 0.00
Hoats, Jacqueline Kay Administrative Assistant Sr Office of VP for Research $ 48,539.92 $ 24,269.96
Kothe, Bonita K Administrative Assistant Sr SOE-Educational Studies $ 48,503.00 $ 0.00
Denney, Diana Y Administrative Specialist LSA History $ 48,500.00 $ 48,500.00
McNabb, Cynthia L Administrative Specialist LSA Applied Physics $ 48,420.00 $ 48,420.00
Bousley, Paula A Administrative Specialist School of Art and Design $ 48,410.00 $ 48,410.00
Root, Colleen K Administrative Assistant Inter Graduate School Administration $ 48,409.92 $ 48,409.92
Givens, Rosalinda Administrative Specialist ROSS SCH Evening MBA Program $ 48,360.00 $ 48,360.00
Bordine, Shirley J Administrative Assistant Sr Office of Executive VP - CFO $ 48,279.92 $ 48,279.92
Kessler, Peter H Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar-s Office $ 48,212.06 $ 48,212.06
Ayyash, Marya Administrative Specialist LSA II:International Institute $ 48,179.00 $ 36,134.25
Wiederhold, Stephanie L Administrative Specialist Law School $ 48,144.58 $ 48,144.58
Torrella, Ronald K Administrative Assistant Inter School of Music $ 47,993.14 $ 47,993.14
Reuben, Janice Samuelle Administrative Specialist Ctr for the Education of Women $ 47,970.00 $ 33,579.00
Mehalic, Elizabeth J Administrative Specialist Michigan Marketing and Design $ 47,963.97 $ 45,679.93
Winston, Talisha E Administrative Specialist Bus - Indust Asst Div $ 47,895.00 $ 0.00
Dixon, Cathleen C Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Development $ 47,876.92 $ 47,876.92
Turnbull, Patricia A Administrative Specialist Dbn Research - Spons Programs $ 47,869.00 $ 47,869.00
Wade, Stacy Anne Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 47,799.70 $ 43,019.60
Warren, Karen M Administrative Specialist HR Professional - Org Develop $ 47,700.00 $ 23,850.00
Sullivan, Charles Parks Administrative Specialist LSA II:International Institute $ 47,590.60 $ 23,795.30
Mullen, Shirley R Administrative Assistant Inter School of Music $ 47,429.98 $ 47,429.98
Hogue, Sandra Kay Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 47,425.30 $ 47,425.30
Saskewitch, Charlotte A Administrative Assistant Sr Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 47,393.06 $ 47,393.06
Page: 9 of 27

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