List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrativ 889
Maximum Salary:$ 210,156.59
Average Salary:$ 56,755.13
Minimum Salary:$ 24,449.50

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 30
Name Title Department FTR GF
Prieur, Michael E Administrative Specialist ITCS-Merit Network $ 70,391.88 $ 0.00
Samford, Karen Weber Administrative Specialist ITS Communications Svcs $ 69,436.00 $ 0.00
Deibis, Mary A Administrative Specialist Fint Assoc Provost - Grad $ 68,422.12 $ 47,895.48
Tuin, Susan K Administrative Specialist IRLEE $ 68,154.00 $ 61,338.60
Wooton, Kimberly Administrative Specialist ITS Office of CIO $ 67,430.00 $ 67,430.00
Amo, Valerie Administrative Specialist Facilities Mntce/Work Control $ 65,841.88 $ 0.00
Hunscher, Helaine R Administrative Specialist Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 65,403.00 $ 0.00
Overholser, Michelle M Administrative Assistant Sr ICPSR-Admin $ 65,067.28 $ 0.00
Paulson, Mary Ellen Administrative Specialist SRC-Administration $ 64,954.43 $ 0.00
Alberti, Karen L Administrative Assistant Sr ITCS-Merit Network $ 64,794.66 $ 0.00
Kessler, Carolyn A Administrative Specialist Registrar's Office $ 64,638.52 $ 64,638.52
Meyer, Patricia S Administrative Assistant Inter Youth & Social Issues $ 64,302.82 $ 0.00
Ryan, Patrick Ian Administrative Specialist Vice Pres & Secretary of Univ $ 64,260.00 $ 64,260.00
Bryant, Bonnie L Administrative Specialist Aerospace Engineering $ 64,147.00 $ 0.00
Vargo, Kathleen M Administrative Specialist CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 64,082.00 $ 64,082.00
Phelps, Peggy Administrative Specialist LSA II:International Institute $ 63,945.00 $ 63,945.00
Vershum, Sue A Administrative Specialist Athletics $ 63,860.00 $ 0.00
Hinchey, Jacqui J Administrative Specialist SRC-Administration $ 63,688.03 $ 0.00
Passink, Mary L Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 63,539.00 $ 0.00
Turner, Linda E Administrative Specialist Michigan Society of Fellows $ 63,497.25 $ 63,497.25
Campbell, Stephanie L Administrative Specialist Office of the President $ 63,417.48 $ 63,417.48
Kirchner, Karen L Administrative Specialist RCGD-Rsrch Cntr for Grp Dyn $ 63,336.00 $ 0.00
Hallman, Michael D Administrative Specialist Office of Technology Transfer $ 63,258.00 $ 63,258.00
Ozanich, Jane R Administrative Specialist LSA II:International Institute $ 63,096.00 $ 0.00
Hall, Patricia Ellis Administrative Assistant Inter SRC-Psid $ 62,771.88 $ 0.00
Robinson, Kelly Ann Administrative Specialist Athletics $ 62,767.00 $ 0.00
Pauley, Mary Kay Administrative Specialist HR Strategy & Planning $ 62,697.00 $ 31,348.50
Richardson, Melinda M Administrative Specialist SOE-CSHPE $ 62,607.00 $ 62,607.00
Grimes, Robyn Lynn Administrative Specialist Law School $ 62,424.00 $ 62,424.00
Creech, Scott R Administrative Assistant Sr School of Art and Design $ 61,580.69 $ 61,580.69
Page: 5 of 30

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