List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Accts Receivable Clerk Inter 13
Maximum Salary:$ 55,894.02
Average Salary:$ 42,275.46
Minimum Salary:$ 36,240.60

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mills, Douglas H Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,894.02 $ 55,894.02
Nieman, Anna M Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,763.59 $ 53,763.59
Villiard, Dolores Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 49,788.11 $ 4,978.81
Martinez, Deborah K Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 45,593.56 $ 45,593.56
Ahmed, Sajida Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 40,999.92 $ 41,000.00
Eckert, Stacy Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,438.30 $ 0.00
Lee, Andrea Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,535.60 $ 38,535.60
Perez, Erin Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,372.40 $ 38,372.40
Beckett, Alixandra E Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Michigan Radio $ 38,000.04 $ 0.00
DeCatur, Rikki Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,740.00 $ 37,740.00
Klager, Nancy Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,740.00 $ 37,740.00
Havener, William Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 37,474.84 $ 37,474.80
Kennedy, Rebecca Accts Receivable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 36,240.60 $ 36,240.60
Page: 1 of 1

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