List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASST PROF 877
Maximum Salary:$ 270,000.00
Average Salary:$ 124,468.24
Minimum Salary:$ 46,539.80

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 14 of 30
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sweet, Paige ASST PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 117,836.00 $ 117,836.00
Gong, Xiwen ASST PROFESSOR Chemical Engineering Dept $ 117,772.00 $ 117,772.00
Li, Yiyang ASST PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 117,760.00 $ 111,872.00
Pena-Francesch, Abdon ASST PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 117,347.00 $ 117,347.00
Jenkins, Paul Michael ASST PROFESSOR MM Psychiatry Department $ 117,318.31 $ 0.00
Cinar, Gokcin ASST PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 117,000.00 $ 117,000.00
Gordon, Jerard V ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 116,975.00 $ 111,126.25
Hamilton, Jesse ASST PROFESSOR MM Department of Radiology $ 116,953.41 $ 0.00
Jiang, Yun ASST PROFESSOR MM Department of Radiology $ 116,953.41 $ 0.00
Gorodetsky, Alex Arkady ASST PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 116,906.00 $ 105,215.40
Fedina, Lisa ASST PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 116,726.31 $ 116,726.31
Morales-Hernandez, Antonio ASST PROFESSOR DENT Periodontics and Oral Med $ 116,672.50 $ 87,504.38
Stern, Tomer ASST PROFESSOR DENT Bio & Materials Science $ 116,672.50 $ 116,672.50
Guetterman, Timothy ASST PROFESSOR MM Family Medicine $ 116,591.00 $ 0.00
Chandanabhumma, Pornsak ASST PROFESSOR MM Family Medicine $ 116,591.00 $ 9,327.28
Mckee, Kimberly ASST PROFESSOR MM Family Medicine $ 116,591.00 $ 0.00
Dejonckheere, Melissa Jane ASST PROFESSOR MM Family Medicine $ 116,591.00 $ 2,331.82
Lindsey, Rebecca ASST PROFESSOR Chemical Engineering Dept $ 116,480.00 $ 116,480.00
Coughlin, Lara Nicole ASST PROFESSOR MM Psychiatry Department $ 116,189.74 $ 2,323.79
Judge-Lord, Devin ASST PROFESSOR G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 116,000.00 $ 116,000.00
Tyagi, Oshin ASST PROFESSOR Industrial & Operations Engin $ 116,000.00 $ 116,000.00
Liu, Tianxiang ASST PROFESSOR Chemical Engineering Dept $ 115,920.00 $ 115,920.00
Lesher-Perez, Sasha Cai ASST PROFESSOR Chemical Engineering Dept $ 115,920.00 $ 115,920.00
Loebel, Claudia ASST PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 115,880.00 $ 115,880.00
Czyz, Ewa Karina ASST PROFESSOR MM Psychiatry Department $ 115,806.51 $ 8,106.46
Benson, Giovanna ASST PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 115,751.44 $ 98,388.72
Kwabi, David Gator ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 115,744.00 $ 115,744.00
Rahman-Filipiak, Annalise Marie ASST PROFESSOR MM Psychiatry Department $ 115,740.11 $ 8,101.81
Bala Chandran, Rohini ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 115,731.00 $ 104,157.90
Cooper, Daniel Ross ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 115,731.00 $ 115,731.00
Page: 14 of 30

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