List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ACCOUNTANT 98
Maximum Salary:$ 93,636.00
Average Salary:$ 57,246.61
Minimum Salary:$ 42,409.38

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Barnes, Lisa Dishawn Accountant Intermediate Student Financial Services $ 60,891.54 $ 60,891.54
Rupprecht, Jessica Accountant Senior Shared Services Center - FIN $ 58,708.10 $ 58,708.10
Morand, Rebecca Accountant Intermediate Dev Svcs - Strategic Solutions $ 58,131.00 $ 0.00
Hawkins, Ian Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial Services $ 57,400.00 $ 57,400.00
Tennant, Joanna Rosa Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial Services $ 57,376.76 $ 57,376.76
Clemons, Kimberly Accountant Intermediate Dev Svcs - Strategic Solutions $ 56,241.00 $ 0.00
Griffin, Crystal Marie Accountant Associate Athletics $ 56,099.88 $ 0.00
Schneider, Jason Accountant Intermediate Alumni Association $ 55,704.00 $ 0.00
Nguyen-Ho, Chau An Accountant Intermediate Dbn Facilities Operations-Admi $ 55,658.29 $ 55,658.29
Brown, Whitney Lucile Victory Accountant Intermediate FinOps Fin Repts - CRO $ 55,135.90 $ 49,622.31
Hobbs, Christine L Accountant Associate Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 54,877.68 $ 0.00
Kolascz, Alysia Accountant Associate Operational Support $ 54,368.98 $ 0.00
Gilmore, Maria Accountant Intermediate SL Budget and Finance $ 54,302.43 $ 32,581.46
Ainsworth, Steven Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Endowment $ 54,105.90 $ 0.00
Young, Lindsay Accountant Intermediate Dev Svcs - Strategic Solutions $ 54,098.00 $ 0.00
Payton, Kimdra Accountant Senior Flint Financial Svcs - Budget $ 53,927.50 $ 53,927.50
Peiffer, Ashley Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 53,817.50 $ 53,817.50
Alexander, Cynthia Accountant Intermediate Shared Services Center - FIN $ 52,937.10 $ 52,937.10
Deepkumar, Ankita Accountant Intermediate LSA Dean: Finance $ 52,900.00 $ 52,900.00
Wood, Karen Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Plant - Debt $ 52,530.00 $ 39,397.50
Rymeski, Genevieve Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Endowment $ 52,488.80 $ 0.00
Springer, Shelby Accountant Intermediate Sponsored Programs $ 52,416.00 $ 52,416.00
Hastings, Matthew Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Plant - Debt $ 52,416.00 $ 39,312.00
Jefferson, Matthew Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Current-Banking $ 52,416.00 $ 26,208.00
Zhang, Jing Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Endowment $ 51,984.10 $ 0.00
Rittinger, Daniel Accountant Intermediate FinOps AccOp Current-Banking $ 51,953.20 $ 25,976.60
Pinter, Benjamin Accountant Intermediate Sponsored Programs $ 51,916.80 $ 51,916.80
Tucker, John Accountant Intermediate Sponsored Programs $ 51,916.80 $ 51,916.80
Watson, Nathan Accountant Senior Flint Financial Svcs - Budget $ 51,892.50 $ 51,892.50
Phillips, Jason Allen Accountant Intermediate Sponsored Programs $ 51,783.65 $ 51,783.65
Page: 2 of 4

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