2024-25 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Pollard, Brian CUSTODIAN II Building Services $ 42,619.20 $ 42,619.20
Pollard, Bryan Meeting/Special Events Planner Rackham Prof Dev & Engmnt $ 56,119.00 $ 56,119.00
Pollard, Jannie UNIT CUSTODIAN MM Environmental Svcs-MN $ 41,246.40 $ 0.00
Pollard, Katherine Technology Licensing Ofcr Sr UMOR Innovation Pshps Admin $ 139,069.00 $ 139,069.00
Pollard, Madison Research Laboratory Tech Sr Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 45,437.60 $ 45,437.50
Pollard, Matthew Radiologic Technologist MM BCSC Radiology $ 67,221.28 $ 0.00
Pollard, Sandra P REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM BCSC Adult Multispecialty $ 132,204.80 $ 0.00
Pollard, Sean CLIN CARE COORD COMPETENT-NE MM Cardiac Cath Lab Tech $ 102,564.80 $ 0.00
Pollard Strother, Theadora Diana OS Programmer Lead CoE-IT/CAEN $ 117,707.00 $ 117,707.00

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