2024-25 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
LaFond, Ashlin REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 84,884.80 $ 0.00
LaFond, Kim Recruiting Coordinator Unit Flint Innovation & Tech Dean $ 62,100.00 $ 62,100.00
Lafontaine, Francine PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 405,200.00 $ 284,166.76
Lafontaine, Marisol Medical Technologist Spec MM Microbiol Pathology $ 87,354.02 $ 0.00
LaForest, Anna Research Lab Specialist Inter MM O-CTSU Clin Rsrch Spec Proc $ 64,714.90 $ 0.00
LaForest, Mandy Marie Allied Health Intermediate Sup MM CW Pediatric Epilepsy $ 84,750.98 $ 0.00
LaForest, Pamela Actg Coord Development Assoc Dev Svcs & Strategic Solutions $ 52,475.00 $ 0.00
LaForest, Rosemary IT Project Senior Manager MM HITS IA Program Office $ 140,051.27 $ 0.00
LaForge, Jennifer L REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM CW Peds Infusion $ 132,204.80 $ 0.00
Lafortune, Stephane PROFESSOR EECS - ECE Division $ 233,817.00 $ 233,817.00
LaFosse, Richard Compliance Specialist Lead Center for Academic Innovation $ 121,096.00 $ 121,096.00
LaFosse, Ursula Program Manager Center for Academic Innovation $ 75,555.00 $ 0.00
LaFountain, Mary Patient Services Intermediate MM Taubman Medical Specialties $ 49,485.06 $ 0.00

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