List of Departments

Number of people in this department: work 53
Maximum Salary:$ 161,699.20
Average Salary:$ 79,443.87
Minimum Salary:$ 38,480.08

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Koch, Lynn T Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 79,890.34 $ 0.00
Kassa, Gwendolyn Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 78,361.92 $ 0.00
Hall, Emille Project Associate Manager Work Management $ 77,185.05 $ 77,185.05
Fabian, George Preventive Maintenance Planner Work Management $ 76,181.87 $ 76,181.87
Alfrey, Maria Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 75,563.28 $ 0.00
Fergus, Christine Renae Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 75,563.28 $ 0.00
Hardesty, Lavonne Eileen Preventive Maintenance Planner Work Management $ 74,360.07 $ 74,360.07
Elrod, Katherine Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 72,467.20 $ 0.00
Teggerdine, Emma Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 72,467.20 $ 0.00
Monty, Randall Preventive Maintenance Planner Work Management $ 72,110.09 $ 72,110.09
Hayes, Daniel Preventive Maintenance Planner Work Management $ 68,441.88 $ 68,441.96
Schornack, Chelsea Absence/Leave Case Mgr Inter Work Connections $ 67,000.00 $ 0.00
Burhans, Deborah Jean Customer Service Rep Senior Work Management $ 55,972.80 $ 55,972.80
Oliver, Phyllis A Customer Service Rep Senior Work Management $ 55,972.80 $ 55,972.80
Myers, Yvonne Customer Service Rep Senior Work Management $ 54,078.83 $ 54,078.83
Droste, Catherine Customer Service Rep Senior Work Management $ 53,519.95 $ 53,519.95
Osugi, Tanya Customer Service Rep Senior Work Management $ 53,519.95 $ 53,519.95
Collett, Kirsten Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 46,633.26 $ 46,633.26
Deitering, Richard Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 46,189.14 $ 46,189.14
Konal, Jennifer Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 46,189.14 $ 23,094.57
Turner, Blake Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 44,200.12 $ 44,200.12
Stull, Nicole Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 38,665.08 $ 30,932.06
Oberlitner, Adam Customer Service Rep Inter Work Management $ 38,480.08 $ 38,480.08
Page: 2 of 2

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