List of Departments

Number of people in this department: mULTI 8
Maximum Salary:$ 82,326.85
Average Salary:$ 49,286.58
Minimum Salary:$ 36,199.02

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Grant, Evangeline Student Affairs Director Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 82,326.85 $ 82,326.85
Ahmed, Amer Student Affairs Associate Dir Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 59,822.75 $ 59,822.75
Burnett, Edward Administrative Specialist Multi-Cult Prog:Trotter House $ 51,409.16 $ 51,409.16
Nguyen, Linh Student Affairs Program Mgr Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 44,570.74 $ 44,570.74
Williams, Erica Denise Student Affairs Program Mgr Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 42,602.20 $ 42,602.20
Marsh, Jaimee Student Affairs Program Mgr Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 40,948.00 $ 40,948.00
Thompson, Jessica Administrative Assistant Inter Multi-Cult Prog:Trotter House $ 36,413.90 $ 36,413.78
Brooks, Louise Administrative Assistant Inter Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 36,199.02 $ 36,199.02
Page: 1 of 1

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