List of Departments

Number of people in this department: m 30863
Maximum Salary:$ 1,576,960.00
Average Salary:$ 89,491.50
Minimum Salary:$ 31,200.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 595 of 1029
Name Title Department FTR GF
McCloud, Elizabeth Marie Quality Assurance Coordinator MM Pathology Satellite Supp $ 70,020.35 $ 0.00
Hilde, Kathryn L ADJUNCT RES INVESTIGATOR MM Michigan Neuroscience Inst $ 70,020.00 $ 0.00
Rege, Juilee RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR MM Molec & Integratv Physiolog $ 70,019.00 $ 0.00
Menzel, Kim Communications Specialist MM Mary H Weiser Food Allergy $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Scarlett, Erin Allied Health Intermediate Sup MM UMMG Care Management $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Gaston, Katherine Admin Specialist Inter Health MM Ophthal. & Visual Science $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Gregoire, Allyson Database Administrator Inter MM Neurology Department $ 70,015.00 $ 49,010.50
Grimes, Matthew Financial Supervisor Hlth MM Development - Operations $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Hyne, Esther Provider Relations Rep MM CE Phys Relation & Outreach $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Kimmel, Timothy James Admin Specialist Inter Health MM Faculty Affairs $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Lowry, Kevin D Multifunction Svcs Inter Supr MM Logistics Patient Equipment $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
David, Vanessa Rose Admin Specialist Inter Health MM Emergency Medicine $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Ewald, Tayler Renee Financial Consultant Hlth MM Facilities Planning $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Fallow, Danielle GME Program Admin Senior MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Farazuddin, Mohammad RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR MM Mary H Weiser Food Allergy $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Fischer, Traci Communications Specialist MM Michigan Neuroscience Inst $ 70,015.00 $ 70,015.00
Szczygiel, Lauren Research Analyst MM Surgery Department $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Zawacki, Kaitlin Pecceu Research Lab Specialist Senior MM Int Med-Genetic Medicine $ 70,015.00 $ 0.00
Holland, Ivan End User Computing Spec Sr MM Pathology Informatics $ 70,014.92 $ 0.00
Jennings, Gina Executive Assistant Assoc Hlth MM Surgery Department $ 70,014.92 $ 0.00
Orrison, Lisa Beth Admin Specialist Assoc Health MM Emergency Medicine Research $ 70,014.92 $ 0.00
Balk, Julie Ann Admin Specialist Assoc Health MM Research Pharmacy $ 70,014.92 $ 0.00
Chrumka, Nicholas R Desktop Support Specialist Sr MM HITS ETS DeviceOps-RDS $ 70,014.92 $ 0.00
Roche, Matt Provider Relations Rep MM CE Phys Relation & Outreach $ 70,013.88 $ 0.00
Johnson, David Research Area Specialist Sr MM PM&R $ 70,001.58 $ 0.00
Lawson, Kristin Organ Procur Coord Inter MM - TC - Transplant Clinic $ 70,000.06 $ 0.00
Bilyk, Summer Organ Procur Coord Inter MM - TC - Transplant Clinic $ 70,000.06 $ 0.00
Cole, Jeffery Data Security Analyst Assoc MM HITS IA Cybersecur Risk Mgt $ 70,000.06 $ 0.00
Doll, Jennifer Histotechnologist MM Surg/Necropsy Path $ 70,000.06 $ 0.00
Berriz, Natalie CLINICAL ASST PROF MM Pediatric - Psychology $ 70,000.00 $ 700.00
Page: 595 of 1029

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