List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa Physics 133
Maximum Salary:$ 222,060.00
Average Salary:$ 107,593.89
Minimum Salary:$ 44,775.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Newman, Mark E PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 222,060.00 $ 105,478.50
Cundiff, Steven Thomas PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 216,443.00 $ 162,332.25
McKay, Timothy A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 214,505.00 $ 53,626.25
Campbell, Myron K PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 203,208.00 $ 203,208.00
Orr, Bradford G PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 201,558.00 $ 60,467.40
Uher, Ctirad PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 193,154.00 $ 193,154.00
Merlin, Roberto D PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 191,584.00 $ 191,584.00
Chupp, Timothy E PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 183,753.00 $ 183,753.00
Evrard, August PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 179,144.00 $ 179,144.00
Gerdes, David W PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 178,914.00 $ 134,185.50
Adams, Fred C PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 177,911.00 $ 177,911.00
Riles, John K PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 174,263.00 $ 174,263.00
Elvang, Henriette PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 173,071.00 $ 173,071.00
Zhou, Bing PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 172,199.00 $ 172,199.00
Kurdak, Cagliyan PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 171,757.00 $ 171,757.00
Clarke, Roy PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 171,734.00 $ 171,734.00
Kuzmich, Alexander PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 169,692.00 $ 169,692.00
Wells, James Daniel PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 167,009.00 $ 167,009.00
Amidei, Dante Eric PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 166,597.00 $ 166,597.00
Lorenzon, Wolfgang B PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 165,077.00 $ 82,538.50
Raithel, Georg A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 164,711.00 $ 164,711.00
Qian, Jianming PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 164,601.00 $ 164,601.00
Huterer, Dragan PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 163,588.00 $ 163,588.00
Meiners, Jens-Christian D PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 162,873.00 $ 81,436.50
Li, Lu PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 162,431.00 $ 162,431.00
Pierce, Aaron Thomas PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 161,693.00 $ 161,693.00
Aidala, Christine A PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 157,455.00 $ 157,455.00
Zochowski, Michal R PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 157,094.00 $ 78,547.00
Liu, James T PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 155,580.00 $ 155,580.00
Deng, Hui PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 154,881.00 $ 146,269.62
Page: 1 of 5

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