List of Departments

Number of people in this department: MM Internal Med 82
Maximum Salary:$ 339,000.00
Average Salary:$ 110,572.47
Minimum Salary:$ 43,083.45

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
McMaster, Lawrence J Staff Physician MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 339,000.00 $ 0.00
Dimagno, Monica Mccarthy Staff Physician MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 339,000.00 $ 0.00
Habhab, Masada Chief Dept Administrator Hlth MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 324,671.90 $ 324,671.90
Morelock, Julie Ann Francis Staff Physician MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 295,000.00 $ 0.00
Mullen, Eric Financial Director Hlth MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 202,030.17 $ 202,030.17
Nollar, Jolena D Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 199,799.40 $ 199,799.40
Brown, Kendra LaToya Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 188,468.89 $ 188,468.89
Zogaib, Joseph Wyman Cardiology Admin Dir Non MD MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 188,011.44 $ 0.00
Brown, Mary Carolyn Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 179,656.26 $ 0.00
Linn, Fiona Louise Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 172,331.25 $ 0.00
Gatica, Stephanie L Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 171,248.07 $ 0.00
Ellies, Tammy Marie Business Proc Consultant Lead MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 156,586.66 $ 109,610.66
Smith, Gary M Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 154,734.38 $ 0.00
Scharboneau, Joel Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 153,411.93 $ 0.00
La Jeunesse, Christine Marie Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 152,666.86 $ 0.00
Humbarger, Amy Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 151,708.70 $ 0.00
West, Jacob Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 148,526.00 $ 0.00
Ceo, Jason Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 146,230.13 $ 0.00
Carrillo, Judith L Financial Senior Manager MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 137,933.83 $ 137,933.83
Spranger, Elizabeth K Cont Improvement Spec Lead MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 131,275.41 $ 91,892.79
Hawkins, Jennifer Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 128,750.00 $ 0.00
Picinotti, Allison Renee Admin Manager Inter Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 127,822.50 $ 102,258.00
Grzyb, Katie Cont Improvement Spec Lead MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 125,270.15 $ 87,689.11
Miller, Lisa M Admin Manager Inter Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 114,744.29 $ 0.00
Tindall, Danielle Financial Senior Manager MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 114,015.00 $ 114,015.00
Moroz, Leigh Johnson Admin Manager Inter Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 110,896.59 $ 110,896.59
Barsch, David A Financial or Bus Analyst Ld MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 109,869.00 $ 109,869.00
Storms, James Admin Manager Inter Healthcare MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 105,774.94 $ 0.00
Murray, Beth Research Administrator Ld MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 102,947.17 $ 102,947.17
Price, Erin Anna Nicole Project Senior Manager MM Internal Medicine Departmnt $ 101,955.31 $ 101,955.31
Page: 1 of 3

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