List of Departments

Number of people in this department: lsa Finance 71
Maximum Salary:$ 111,173.00
Average Salary:$ 76,637.64
Minimum Salary:$ 49,924.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Denny, Melissa Ann Research Administration Mg LSA Finance: East Hall $ 111,173.00 $ 111,173.00
Angelopoulos, Kimberly Kay Financial Intermediate Manager LSA Finance: FSBO $ 108,968.00 $ 108,968.00
Milligan, Melissa Research Administration Mg LSA Finance: West Hall $ 105,916.70 $ 105,916.70
Presley, Jessica Research Administration Mg LSA Finance: Randall $ 105,249.15 $ 105,249.15
Rooker, Kimberly Research Administration Mg LSA Finance: BSBO $ 105,000.00 $ 105,000.00
Dyer, Nicole Lynn Research Administration Mg LSA Finance: CBBO $ 104,241.00 $ 104,241.00
Pulver, Kylee Business Manager Subunit LSA Finance: Procurement $ 103,184.33 $ 103,184.33
Morone, Amanda Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: CBBO $ 101,796.97 $ 101,796.97
Alguire, Melinda Ann Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: West Hall $ 101,763.00 $ 101,763.00
Elliston-Cowher, Ashley Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: West Hall $ 101,491.00 $ 68,506.43
Blackmore, Stephanie Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: East Hall $ 100,643.00 $ 100,643.00
Murphy, Dustin Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: BSBO $ 100,500.00 $ 100,500.00
Burghardt, Corinna Research Administrator Ld LSA Finance: CBBO $ 100,500.00 $ 100,500.00
Overholt, Diane M Financial Specialist Senior LSA Finance: Procurement $ 98,035.00 $ 98,035.00
Renner, Kendra S Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: BSBO $ 91,871.00 $ 91,871.00
Lahtinen, DeLynne Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: CBBO $ 88,830.00 $ 88,830.00
Wright, Shana M Financial Specialist Senior LSA Finance: FSBO $ 88,762.00 $ 88,762.00
Feldt, Julie Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: East Hall $ 88,134.00 $ 88,134.00
Cristian, Kara Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: West Hall $ 88,123.00 $ 88,123.00
Gentz, Sandra Kay Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: BSBO $ 88,112.00 $ 88,112.00
Seagraves, Aaron Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: Randall $ 87,977.00 $ 87,977.00
Hughes, Carolyn Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: Haven Hall $ 87,897.00 $ 87,897.00
Pettit, Elizabeth Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: Haven Hall $ 87,098.00 $ 87,098.00
Michaels, Sean Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: Haven Hall $ 87,000.00 $ 87,000.00
Kropelnyckyj, Christine Research Administrator Sr LSA Finance: Randall $ 86,572.00 $ 86,572.00
Smith, Alissa Financial Specialist Senior LSA Finance: FSBO $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00
Gong, Fei Research Administrator Inter LSA Finance: Randall $ 82,205.00 $ 82,205.00
Searight, Jeanne Research Administrator Inter LSA Finance: BSBO $ 78,448.00 $ 78,448.00
Martin, Kimberly Research Administrator Inter LSA Finance: Randall $ 78,222.00 $ 78,222.00
MacCourt, Anna Research Administrator Inter LSA Finance: East Hall $ 78,082.00 $ 78,082.00
Page: 1 of 3

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