List of Departments

Number of people in this department: flint 991
Maximum Salary:$ 469,000.00
Average Salary:$ 75,676.49
Minimum Salary:$ 32,926.40

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Alfaro, Ricardo PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 125,724.92 $ 125,724.92
Paroske, Marcus CHAIR Flint Language & Communication $ 124,800.00 $ 83,241.60
Fhaner, Matthew CHAIR Flint Natural Sciences $ 124,800.00 $ 83,241.60
Heinze, Hillary Jeanne CHAIR Flint Behavioral Sciences $ 124,800.00 $ 83,241.60
Broughton-Adams, Nicole Lynn CHAIR Flint Fine & Performing Arts $ 124,800.00 $ 83,241.60
McLeman, Cameron CHAIR Flint Math & Applied Sciences $ 124,800.00 $ 83,241.60
Arnould, Karen A University Registrar Flint Registrar $ 124,200.00 $ 124,200.00
Li, Weiqi ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 123,836.82 $ 123,836.82
Luke, David Diversity Inclusion Director Flint Div of Student Affairs $ 123,833.61 $ 123,833.61
Duncan, Randall PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 123,351.30 $ 61,675.65
Turkelson, Carman Laura ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Nursing $ 122,461.20 $ 36,738.36
Turkelson, Carman Laura DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Flint Nursing $ 122,461.20 $ 61,230.60
Barnes, Roy C PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology & CJ $ 120,872.96 $ 80,984.88
Douglas, Chris Carl CHAIR Flint Social Sci & Humanities $ 120,000.00 $ 39,960.00
Sancrant, Lisa Director Flint Health & Wellness Svcs $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00
Nofs, Steven D Database Administrator Lead Flint ITS $ 119,480.00 $ 119,480.00
Lane, Michael James Director Flint Environment Hlth&Safety $ 118,532.20 $ 118,532.20
Wehbe-Alamah, Hiba Bahaeldine PROFESSOR Flint Nursing $ 118,477.18 $ 118,477.18
Smith, Laura ASSOC DIR ACAD PROGRAM Flint Physical Therapy $ 118,157.11 $ 35,447.14
Smith, Laura ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Physical Therapy $ 118,157.11 $ 82,709.98
Barden, Timothy J Building/Facilities Manager Flint Fac Op-Grounds Maint $ 117,472.50 $ 117,472.50
Riley, Dalana S Assistant Controller Flint Financial Svcs & Budget $ 116,480.00 $ 116,480.00
Bernstein, Stephen D PROFESSOR Flint English $ 116,395.89 $ 116,395.89
Turner, Stephen W ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Computer Science $ 115,959.14 $ 115,959.14
Haefner, Judy ASSOC DIR ACAD PROGRAM Flint Nursing $ 115,782.85 $ 0.00
Petrella, Tonja HR Officer Senior Flint Human Resources $ 114,699.00 $ 114,699.00
Mazumder, Quamrul H PROFESSOR Flint Engineering $ 114,586.92 $ 114,586.92
Gano-Phillips, Susan K PROFESSOR Flint Psychology $ 114,446.33 $ 114,446.33
Yorke, Amy M ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Physical Therapy $ 113,799.30 $ 69,986.23
Yorke, Amy M ASST DIR ACAD PROGRAM Flint Physical Therapy $ 113,799.30 $ 11,379.93
Page: 4 of 34

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