List of Departments

Number of people in this department: flint 850
Maximum Salary:$ 229,293.00
Average Salary:$ 45,853.06
Minimum Salary:$ 6,437.50

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 24 of 31
Name Title Department FTR GF
Vogt, James R GUARD Flint Safety $ 26,616.98 $ 26,616.98
Paquette-Beard, Diane M Data Entry Operator Senior Flint Office of Admissions $ 26,587.08 $ 26,587.08
Panoff, Christine A LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,436.40 $ 26,436.40
Spencer, Bryan LEO Adjunct Lecturer Flint Health Science - Admin $ 26,368.00 $ 6,592.00
Brown, Cherie D LEO Lecturer II Flint Department of CSESP $ 26,353.09 $ 6,588.27
Wistrand, Carolyn Nur LEO Lecturer II Flint Africana Studies Dept $ 26,352.77 $ 6,588.20
Wright, Joseph Neil LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.77 $ 22,926.91
Kalmar, Pamela J LEO Lecturer II Flint Department of CSESP $ 26,352.76 $ 26,352.76
Degroot, Frederick A LEO Lecturer II Flint Earth - Resource Science $ 26,352.76 $ 14,046.02
Benish, John G LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 15,363.66
Giguere, Raymond E LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 19,764.57
Moliassa, John A LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 17,577.29
Packer, James D LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 26,352.76
Phillips, James C LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 13,176.38
Prost, Kenneth L LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 19,764.57
Sippert, Karin LEO Lecturer II Flint Mathematics $ 26,352.76 $ 21,951.85
Cavallini, Enrico F LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.76 $ 2,108.22
Coviak, James LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.76 $ 9,486.99
Kaye, G Donald LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.76 $ 6,588.19
Leshchinskaya, Ida M LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.76 $ 6,324.66
Price, Jeffrey Michael LEO Lecturer II Flint Music $ 26,352.76 $ 14,230.49
Wandmacher, Stevens F LEO Lecturer II Flint Philosophy $ 26,352.76 $ 26,352.76
Pape, Walter F LEO Lecturer II Flint Department of CSESP $ 26,352.75 $ 24,587.12
Kalisz, Christina Elaine ADJUNCT CLINICAL LECTURER Flint Nursing $ 26,274.46 $ 9,334.00
Atwell, Kendra L Student Admin Asst Inter Flint School of Management $ 26,228.54 $ 26,228.54
Andrews, Jjenna H LEO Lecturer I Flint Comm and Visual Arts $ 26,225.50 $ 19,669.12
Stevens, Holly A LEO Lecturer I Flint Comm and Visual Arts $ 26,225.46 $ 6,556.32
Furrow, Hannah B LEO Lecturer I Flint English $ 26,225.44 $ 0.00
LaGattuta, Margaret E LEO Lecturer I Flint English $ 26,225.44 $ 26,225.44
West, Renee P LEO Lecturer I Flint Foreign Language $ 26,225.44 $ 17,492.40
Page: 24 of 31

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