List of Departments

Number of people in this department: dental 23
Maximum Salary:$ 136,415.92
Average Salary:$ 61,269.07
Minimum Salary:$ 39,235.04

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Johnson, Lynn A DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Dental Informatics SOD $ 136,415.92 $ 115,953.53
Gillie, Roger IT Acad/Admin Div Inter Dir Dental Informatics SOD $ 100,240.70 $ 64,154.05
Grayden, Sharon K Instructional Learning Senior Dental Informatics SOD $ 90,125.00 $ 54,075.00
Kerschbaum, Wendy Ellen ASSOC PROFESSOR Dental Hygiene-Dentistry $ 86,549.87 $ 70,970.89
Steinman, Edward L Database Analyst/Programmer Sr Dental Informatics SOD $ 75,462.81 $ 36,222.15
Vuocolo, Matthew J Systems Administrator Senior Dental Informatics SOD $ 70,000.06 $ 44,800.04
Cai, Luchuan App Programmer/Analyst Sr Dental Informatics SOD $ 60,926.55 $ 38,992.99
Bleed, Michael Deron General Prgm/Analyst Inter Dental Informatics SOD $ 58,959.78 $ 0.00
Bruell, Daniel S Media Services Manager Dental Informatics SOD $ 58,133.95 $ 58,133.95
Taylor, Dion Lamont Systems Administrator Assoc Dental Informatics SOD $ 53,612.00 $ 53,612.00
Squires, John D Instructional Learning Inter Dental Informatics SOD $ 52,787.64 $ 52,787.64
Pritzel, Susan J ASST PROFESSOR Dental Hygiene-Dentistry $ 52,682.50 $ 52,682.50
Jung, Chris Graphic Designer Dental Informatics SOD $ 52,351.15 $ 20,940.46
Hoy, Lane W Database Analyst/Prgm Inter Dental Informatics SOD $ 52,028.44 $ 33,818.49
Ridley, Karen J ASST PROFESSOR Dental Hygiene-Dentistry $ 51,731.73 $ 41,385.38
McGowan, Joan M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dental Hygiene-Dentistry $ 50,619.67 $ 40,495.74
Blackford, Diana J Administrative Specialist Dental Informatics SOD $ 49,502.53 $ 49,502.53
Molden, Oral Charles LAN Administrator Intermediate Dental Informatics SOD $ 47,000.20 $ 47,000.20
Kotzabassi, Asimenia Minna Gen Prgm/Analyst Staff Spec Dental Informatics SOD $ 45,000.00 $ 36,000.00
Campbell, Keary S Biomedical Photographer Hlth Dental Informatics SOD $ 42,691.48 $ 17,076.59
Brittain, Sarah Annamarie Webmaster Dental Informatics SOD $ 41,922.66 $ 41,922.66
Iacob, Ruxandra Ana Research Associate Dental Informatics SOD $ 41,208.96 $ 20,301.12
Glowacki, Pietrek F Webmaster Dental Informatics SOD $ 39,235.04 $ 19,617.52
Kerschbaum, Wendy Ellen DIR ACADEMIC PROGRAM Dental Hygiene-Dentistry $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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