List of Departments

Number of people in this department: coe robotics 69
Maximum Salary:$ 273,653.00
Average Salary:$ 116,205.31
Minimum Salary:$ 51,080.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Grizzle, Jessy W PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 273,653.00 $ 95,778.55
Tilbury, Dawn M PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 267,675.00 $ 0.00
Tilbury, Dawn M CHAIR CoE Robotics $ 267,675.00 $ 133,837.50
Robert, Lionel P Professor CoE Robotics $ 221,490.36 $ 55,372.59
Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 209,930.00 $ 209,930.00
Girard, Anouck Renee PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 187,373.00 $ 187,373.00
Gillespie, Richard B PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 183,200.00 $ 76,028.00
Corso, Jason PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 181,153.00 $ 94,674.63
Provost, Damen Assistant Director CoE Robotics $ 172,732.00 $ 172,732.00
Barton, Kira L PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 166,680.00 $ 88,340.82
Chestek, Cynthia Anne Professor CoE Robotics $ 160,277.00 $ 40,069.25
Ozay, Necmiye Assoc Professor CoE Robotics $ 159,600.00 $ 39,900.00
Gregg IV, Robert Demoss ASSOC PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 158,552.00 $ 87,203.60
Stirling, Leia Assoc Professor CoE Robotics $ 158,538.00 $ 79,269.00
Moyne, James R ASSOC RES SCIENTIST CoE Robotics $ 155,873.00 $ 23,380.95
Berenson, Dmitry ASSOC PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 155,327.00 $ 139,794.30
Panagou, Dimitra ASSOC PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 153,806.00 $ 130,735.10
Vasudevan, Ramanarayan ASSOC PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 152,702.00 $ 95,057.00
Rouse, Elliott J ASSOC PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 151,992.00 $ 23,559.14
Moore, Talia Yuki ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 140,803.00 $ 105,602.25
Fazeli, Nima ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 140,332.00 $ 133,315.40
Skinner, Katherine Ann ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 139,996.00 $ 130,196.28
Huang, Xiaonan ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 137,559.00 $ 137,559.00
Draelos, Mark Theodore ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 137,559.00 $ 89,413.69
Mavrogiannis, Christoforos ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 136,818.00 $ 136,818.00
Alves-Oliveira, Patricia ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 136,818.00 $ 136,818.00
Ding, Yanran ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 136,818.00 $ 136,818.00
Aubin, Cameron Alexander ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 136,818.00 $ 136,818.00
Bucher, Bernadette ASST PROFESSOR CoE Robotics $ 135,000.00 $ 135,000.00
Narula, Abhishek Software Engineer Lead CoE Robotics $ 130,665.00 $ 130,665.00
Page: 1 of 3

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