List of Departments

Number of people in this department: UMPD Criminal Investigations 12
Maximum Salary:$ 88,335.99
Average Salary:$ 67,364.35
Minimum Salary:$ 39,895.03

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Neumann, Robert D Police Lieutenant UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 88,335.99 $ 88,335.99
Carelli, Christian M Police Sergeant UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 78,668.68 $ 78,668.68
Johnson, Jesse E Evidence/Records Coordinator UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 74,209.12 $ 74,209.12
Burke, Maureen A POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Cavanaugh, Ryan Allen POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Goci, Milot POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Hawkins, David S POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Lucas, Kevin E POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Pillsbury, Margie Marie POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 69,492.80 $ 69,492.80
Cargill, Thomas POLICE OFFICER UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 56,617.60 $ 56,617.60
Pomorski, Michael Scott Evidence/Records Coordinator UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 53,688.96 $ 53,688.97
Lewis, Joyce M Records Clerk Associate UMPD Criminal Investigations $ 39,895.03 $ 39,895.03
Page: 1 of 1

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