List of Departments

Number of people in this department: UMPD Community Policing 8
Maximum Salary:$ 46,737.60
Average Salary:$ 37,317.80
Minimum Salary:$ 32,926.40

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
House, Charles POLICE OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 46,737.60 $ 46,737.60
Dettling, Tom PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 38,771.20 $ 38,771.20
Daniels, Brian T LEAD PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFCR UMPD Community Policing $ 38,500.80 $ 38,500.80
Ely, Douglas L PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 35,401.60 $ 35,401.60
Hayes, Amanda Jennifer PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 35,401.60 $ 35,401.60
Kreager, Timothy A PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 35,401.60 $ 35,401.60
Peterson, Stefan PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 35,401.60 $ 35,401.60
Erd, Shayna M PARK ENFORC OFFICER UMPD Community Policing $ 32,926.40 $ 32,926.40
Page: 1 of 1

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