List of Departments

Number of people in this department: UCUCA Office 10
Maximum Salary:$ 71,960.00
Average Salary:$ 47,342.48
Minimum Salary:$ 29,299.92

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Videan, Elaine Research Compliance Inter Mgr UCUCA Office $ 71,960.00 $ 71,960.00
O'Connor, Dawn E Research Compliance Spec Sr UCUCA Office $ 61,888.00 $ 61,888.00
Taylor, Matthew James Research Compliance Spec Assoc UCUCA Office $ 54,159.00 $ 54,159.04
Haakonstad, Astrid E Research Compliance Spec Assoc UCUCA Office $ 52,209.00 $ 52,209.04
Kehres, Patrick A Research Compliance Spec Assoc UCUCA Office $ 50,246.00 $ 50,246.04
Ramsey, Noel Research Compliance Spec Assoc UCUCA Office $ 49,543.00 $ 49,543.00
Laundree, Julie C Office Manager UCUCA Office $ 44,890.00 $ 44,890.00
Lajoie, Amanda C Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UCUCA Office $ 29,930.00 $ 29,929.90
Cave, Andrew Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UCUCA Office $ 29,299.92 $ 29,299.92
King, Laura Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UCUCA Office $ 29,299.92 $ 29,299.92
Page: 1 of 1

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