List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Stamps School of Art 116
Maximum Salary:$ 349,660.00
Average Salary:$ 86,771.65
Minimum Salary:$ 37,000.08

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pachikara, Annie Cynthia ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 104,642.33 $ 104,642.33
Rowden, Stephanie ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 104,505.69 $ 104,505.69
Trumpey, Joseph E ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 103,951.67 $ 77,963.75
Mondro, Anne Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 103,044.42 $ 103,044.42
Kirshner, Andrew J ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 101,512.46 $ 50,756.23
Crowell, Susan E PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 100,734.00 $ 25,183.50
Hay, Elizabeth Keillor LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 98,725.32 $ 49,362.66
Hamilton, Chrisstina Marina Administrative Specialist Stamps School of Art & Design $ 96,919.89 $ 14,537.98
Brueckner, Sophia ASST PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 95,712.75 $ 95,712.75
Khan, Osman ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 95,026.95 $ 40,026.95
Park, Sun Young ASST PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 94,664.08 $ 94,664.08
Walton, Caitlin Business Manager Subunit Stamps School of Art & Design $ 94,000.00 $ 94,000.00
Graf, Roland ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 93,865.50 $ 93,865.50
Mitra, Srimoyee Arts Programming Director Stamps School of Art & Design $ 93,595.00 $ 93,595.00
Wiley, Sandra K Intl Studies Education Dir Stamps School of Art & Design $ 90,353.75 $ 90,353.75
Platt, Robert David ASSOC PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 89,979.72 $ 89,979.72
Butoliya, Deepa ASST PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 86,912.50 $ 86,912.50
Weiss, Sarah Facilities Coordinator/Manager Stamps School of Art & Design $ 86,700.00 $ 86,700.00
Burgard, William C LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 85,176.22 $ 84,219.20
Grewe, Andre Todd Web Marketing Manager Stamps School of Art & Design $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00
Hill-Cronin, Romy Academic Advising Director Stamps School of Art & Design $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00
Murdoch-Kitt, Kelly Michelle ASST PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 84,892.05 $ 84,892.05
Metsker, Jennifer A LEO Lecturer IV Stamps School of Art & Design $ 84,691.45 $ 84,691.45
Creech, Scott R HR Generalist Senior Stamps School of Art & Design $ 84,503.78 $ 84,503.78
Nelson, Erin Multimedia Designer Stamps School of Art & Design $ 79,829.12 $ 79,829.12
Banks, Brian S Academic Advisor/Couns Senior Stamps School of Art & Design $ 78,427.64 $ 78,427.64
Steichmann, Lisa L LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 77,217.81 $ 70,242.16
Luther, John Wesley Student Affairs Program Mgr Stamps School of Art & Design $ 75,255.87 $ 75,255.87
Rubin, Kathleen Kirby LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 73,937.97 $ 73,107.20
Krecic, Mark R Studio Coordinator Stamps School of Art & Design $ 72,927.72 $ 36,463.86
Page: 2 of 4

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