List of Departments

Number of people in this department: SMTD Department of Dance 15
Maximum Salary:$ 137,672.83
Average Salary:$ 76,802.51
Minimum Salary:$ 38,612.79

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kane, Angela Teresa PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 137,672.83 $ 137,672.83
Sparling, Peter D PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 124,470.07 $ 124,470.07
Fogel, Jessica Kimlat PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 103,569.21 $ 103,569.21
Deyoung Jr, Glenn W PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 90,199.30 $ 90,199.30
Genne, Beth PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 89,704.48 $ 22,426.12
Chavasse, Amy Grant ASSOC PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 85,193.89 $ 85,193.89
Rice, Judith L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF SMTD Department of Dance $ 82,887.73 $ 82,887.73
Matijas Mecca, Christian ASSOC PROFESSOR SMTD Department of Dance $ 82,023.12 $ 82,023.12
Deyoung, Sandra M Torijano CLINICAL ASSOC PROF SMTD Department of Dance $ 65,604.59 $ 65,604.59
Cole, Mary M LEO Lecturer IV SMTD Department of Dance $ 65,530.29 $ 65,530.29
Hoskins, Sean Admin Coord/Project Coord SMTD Department of Dance $ 48,994.72 $ 48,994.72
Biza, Jean-Claude B LEO Lecturer II SMTD Department of Dance $ 48,900.12 $ 18,337.60
Whyatt, Cheryl Khita LEO Lecturer II SMTD Department of Dance $ 44,765.79 $ 11,191.45
West, Amy LEO Lecturer II SMTD Department of Dance $ 43,908.77 $ 21,954.40
Gunning, Katie Administrative Assistant Inter SMTD Department of Dance $ 38,612.79 $ 38,612.79
Page: 1 of 1

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